What To Do When It All Comes Crashing Down

Sometimes things just don’t go the way that you want, sometimes your best laid plans are dashed to bits, sometimes your world falls apart around you. And sometimes there’s nothing more cathartic than losing yourself in the ring or in a set of heavy deadlifts a song you love blasting on repeat in the background. You merge yourself with the violence and find a release and a deep happiness in it. You work your body until there’s nothing left and find yourself laughing as tears (not of sadness, but yet not of happiness) stream down your face lying in a pool of your own sweat and blood.

You laugh at the world, the harshness and bleakness that the average man will never ever know. You laugh at having the greatest forces gathering and coming against you because you’re a threat. And you laugh even harder because they think you’re beat when you know you’re just going to come back harder and better than ever. The mixed tears of happiness, pain, and other emotions continue to stream down as you know you’ve overcome more than the average person will ever know, that you live an existence that few will ever know.

Life On The Edge

I don’t mean this as some cheesy saying or meaning a drugged out loser. Rather I mean someone living out their life on the edge of existence that few will ever know. To become such a strong and wise man that the devil himself organizes against you. When you become such a threat to establish order that everything is thrown against you. When everywhere you walk people know who and what you are without asking. When you live a life that the average person just couldn’t understand and never will. Their thoughts are not yours and their actions are not your own. You are a man living apart, living above and on the edge.

You take the hardest hits but live with the greatest life and you wouldn’t have it any other way. Sometimes you wish there was more out there like you to join you, but you also know that the path is narrow and few ever make it but that’s what keeps the quality so high. But sitting here with your plans and sometimes life in tatters around you, you wonder what to do. You know it’s hopeless asking the average around you as they are average and therefore useless when it comes to this. And sometimes there’s not much you can do…

Lift, Fight, Write, Read, & Carry On

So what I recommend is doubling down on efforts to do and be more. Lift more, fight more, write more, read more, and become more. Sometimes that’s all you can do. Speed up the grindstone and stick with it. Spill more sweat, blood, and ink in your path to greatness. Leave it all out, hold nothing back. Lose yourself in your fight, in your work, once you go down this road there comes a time when there’s no going back. It’s refreshing in a way, because you know that “normal” will never be yours. You’ve become too powerful, and once your eyes are opened they can’t be closed.

You’ll face the greatest demons, monsters, and threats but will get the greatest rewards. Once you slay the first dragon you can’t go back to being a peasant it just doesn’t work that way. You keep going facing fiercer and fiercer foe until you’ve defeated the original enemy or been destroyed in the process. This is the path. And if you’re on it I’ll hail you as a brother even though we may never meet. Be prepared to get the shit kicked out of you and to have to dig down deeper then you ever thought possible. But we’ll be the ones standing with our heads held high at the end. God Bless.

If you have any questions you would like to see answered in a future post send them to me at charlessledge001 (at) gmail (dot) com. If you found value in this post then I would encourage you to share this site with someone who may need it as well as check out my books here. I appreciate it.

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge