Merry Christmas & Some Reflections

I wanted to take some time to write something a little different. At the moment I have posts written until well into February and wanted to take some time to write something spur of the moment. First off I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and thank you for your readership and support of this site. One great thing about the internet is letting like minded find each other and come together. Thirty years ago I could not have made an income from the internet and many of us would have been alone with our thoughts and old books thinking “we’re the only ones” that think a certain way, at least for the most part.

I wasn’t entirely sure what I wanted from this site when I started it, as I’ve said before it was a sort of open journal of things that have helped me in my life and that I wrote down so that it may help others. I’ve learned a lot along the way and it’s forced me to think and try out more things than I would have otherwise to ensure I’m providing you with the best information possible. Looking back at over 900 posts written so far it’s been a fun experience and one I look forward to continuing with you.

We live in very weird times and hopefully this place can serve as some source of normalcy and right order. The kind strong men have enforced on the world for centuries. Here I hope to inspire and forge the strong men of tomorrow that will assert right order on the world once again the provide the best life possible. I know history works in cycles to some extent but I also know that it’s the strength of men that controls how these cycles ebb and flow.

Art, Inspiration, & Family Bonds

Something I’ve been appreciating more and more is using art for inspiration. Whether it’s classic tales like the Poetic Edda, The Iliad, or even Lord Of The Rings or other modern classics. It could also be Frazetta art or Manowar or classical music. Know that it’s important to take time for the good things and beauty even in a corrupted and rotted modern world. To surround yourself with as much good as possible. Whether that’s through consumption of art, steeling yourself through physical training, or spending time cultivating relationships with loved ones.

Never forget the importance of familial and brotherhood bonds. This “idea” gets a lost of lip service during the holiday of Christmas but little heed is actually paid to it. Remember that these bonds matter more than many other things in life and that people who have these bonds don’t need or fall victim to the many negative aspects of the modern world. This is especially important for the younger ones in your family.

Every generation needs its heroes and guides to look up to. To show them the proper way. Without this guidance man is lost in this world and will be exploited by the forces that want him exploited. The best way to do this is to live as an example and take the time for those that need it. To serve as a guide and lighthouse guiding them away from the rocks and where they want to go.

What The Future Holds

Sometimes you can get so caught up in working towards something that you forget that the end goal will eventually be reached. This applies to any large and worthy goal. You end up working so hard for something that when you eventually achieve it you almost forget the reward you were working for in the first place because you were so caught up in the work and sticking your nose to the grindstone. Remember that good things come in time to those that work hard for it. Whether it’s starting a business, changing oneself, or even changing your country and the thought patterns of humanity.

Every worthy goal takes time. But you do reap what you sow. This should either give you satisfaction and little boost of moral or it should terrify you, depending on the actions that you have been taking. Is the road that you’re on leading you to the place that you want to go? If not now is the time to get off of it and get on another path. A path that will lead you to greatness and being all that you can be and were created to be.

So again I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and hope you spend it with those you love enjoying yourself and the company you have. There is a bright future ahead, not without a fight, but then again nothing good comes without a fight. You must struggle against your own demons and the ones of the world to come out victorious. But if you stick to it victorious you will be. All the best wishes.

If you have any questions you would like to see answered in a future post send them to me at charlessledge001 (at) gmail (dot) com. If you found value in this post then I would encourage you to share this site with someone who may need it as well as check out my books here. I appreciate it.

-Charles Sledge


Charles Sledge