Members Only Post #99 – The Importance Of Knowing The Law

If you’re an American I highly suggest that you watch the following video in its entirety.

Don’t Talk To The Police

Truth be told even if you’re not an American that video still has valuable stuff in it, if only about human nature and how governments work. Now I guess I should preface all of this by stating that I am not a lawyer and nothing I say should be construed as legal advice. I just want to elaborate on a general principle for living your best life possible. First thing to understand is that people get screwed over all the time by the law and those that enforce it, whether it be police officers, lawyers, or judges. This isn’t to say those people are bad only that there are bad ones out there.

And that can be very bad for you. For a long time in America one could go about their daily business being ignorant of the law but that’s changed. And it’s only going to get worse. One thing you’ll see in Western countries is a crackdown on those in the middle. They’ll say that those at the lower end are targeted too much and will get protection from advocacy, media, and interests groups. Naturally that means the middle will be cracked down on even harder. That’s how these things work.

Some people can literally murder and get away with it while others get rail roaded for petty offenses. The law is no even and it is not blind. Especially in an anarcho-tyrannical state like most of the Western world. There are those that know how to fight back against these namely police officers, lawyers, and judges. Therefore they have a whole lot less to fear. They know the loopholes and technicalities and let me make it clear that law, at least anymore, is little more than loopholes and technicalities. This is something you can’t be ignorant in anymore.

Learning The Law

Now I’m not saying that you have to go to law school become a lawyer or judge or police officer, or anything like that. What I’m saying is, is become familiar with the laws in your country. As much as possible. Look up books on the subjects, there are a good many of them in America. Other countries are going to be harder to find but educating yourself and reading up on a country that you plan on staying in for some time is important. The law can and will be used against you if you’re ignorant of it.

Many times the law is used as a bludgeon to extract resources from those that are ignorant of it. And your petty offense could turn into a national case if your on the wrong political side. Don’t underestimate these things and understand that dangers of them. You have to protect yourself from the bottom, from the drug addicts, thugs, and other low lifes that might rob, rape, and/or murder you. But you also have to protect yourself from the top as well. You don’t do this by self-defense and shows of force (that NEVER works) but rather by knowing the law.

Firearm training and self-defense for the law, understanding law and LAWYERING UP for the high. Just like with self-defense you should have a basic knowledge of these things. Won’t make you invincible but it’ll keep you from making some small stupid choice that ends up ruining your life. You have to be smart in this world, that’s never changed. There are more predators then ever, many of them just wear smiles and say they’re there to help. This isn’t to make you paranoid either. Just like with self-defense if you’re smart you’ll like, key word likely, never end up in a situation where your knowledge will be called upon.

But if you do, well then you’ll be glad you studied up.

Protect Yourself At All Times

Boxing refs give some of the best life advice out there and I’m repeating it here “protect yourself at all times”. Physically and legally. You make survive the physical attack but will you survive the legal attack that comes after? Understand there is no such thing as justice in modern governments. The law is a tool to use for power and money, nothing more and nothing less. It’s not to protect you or to keep society going, though many still believe that. They may have scales on their eyes and be fine with it, you shouldn’t be.

Accept harsh truths instead of blinding yourself with comforting lies. The legal system has absolutely, positively nothing to do with justice. Probably never has and if things continue, never will. That’s just the nature of the game, that’s how it works. If you don’t like it, well…that’s life. At least right now, who knows what the future may hold. Point of all of this is, understand the law as much as you can in your country and then always have a good lawyer a phone call away. You might not think you need this or even want this, but it’s how the world works now.

Again this doesn’t mean to be paranoid, it just means to be prudent. Be smart, keep your eyes and ears open, be aware what’s going on around. Not just situationally, but do that to, but culturally as well. It’s great that you notice that guy across the street walking with his head low and mumbling to himself but at the same time if you don’t see how the neighborhood, community, state, or country is changing around you, you may still end up in a bad place.

Ignorance is punished, always has been and always will be. So don’t be ignorant. The law is no exception. Study it, learn it, and find a damn good lawyer. You’ll probably never need or use him, but like having a gun, it’ll still give you some peace of mind.

Charles Sledge