Members Only Post #69 – Changing Thoughts

I’ll be honest there’s a good portion of old articles that I look back at and cringe. Mostly in the attraction section, not because they are “wrong”, the information is true, it’s just that I don’t think a man’s time is well spent chasing after the lowest common denominator easy woman. I don’t think that’ll accomplish much. “Notches” are not a very fulfilling thing because “getting laid” is not an accomplishment.

It’s not like taking first place in a competition, making a work of art, or building your business. Not to say that it’s “wrong” of course it’s needed in a man’s life I just think a man’s time is better spent elsewhere. Plus with the exception of professionals (I’m guessing) you’ll have better sexual relations with a girl who knows you, likes you, and has been with you awhile then you will some random “notch” or whatever.

But that’s a topic for another time. I’ve thought about doing posts where I outline how I’ve changed my thinking in each of the subjects of the site (attraction, masculinity, wealth, health, and so on and so forth) and still think I might do that but wanted to outline the basics here. If you’re doing things right then you’re going to grow and when you grow you’re going to change, that’s just a fact.

What My Thoughts Have Changed On

Now it’s no secret that I think a large part of the red pill is unhealthy, just as unhealthy as say hardcore feminism, and that leads men down a wrong path. And that’s the thing about life, a lot of it is about balance. It’s about not going to far to the left or the right (not talking politically here). It’s about knowing what the right path to take is (generally the narrow one) and going down regardless of ideology or things of that nature.

For example I believe now that a man will be healthiest and happiest married to a woman that has character and that he loves her and she loves him and raise a family with her. I think that’s way more fulfilling then endless sexual…uh “conquest” or making that extra 0 in the bank account (when you already have enough), or many of the other things that we are told to focus on.

This doesn’t mean that this isn’t a challenge and this doesn’t mean that this is the path that you need to or should take right away, I’m talking big picture here. It’s weird how with my articles and ideas I can offend people as different (but are they really) as hardcore feminists, Evangelicals, and MGTOWs all at once and all for different reasons in the same article. But as I’ve grown I think this is a good thing.

What Should A Man’s Path Be

It’s no secret that I’m against moralism for the sake of moralism. Morality can and has been used as social control (look at politically correct morality of today) but that doesn’t mean that there isn’t a true moral code to how the world works. The primal and cosmic order as I put it. Ultimately I think a man’s best life is going to be a “moral” one. Moral not meaning some spineless dork or preening overprotective schoolmarm but following a code and the natural order.

Logos as others call it (though I’ve always found priests to be antithetical to many tenets of logos, if I’m using the word right). I’ve found warriors, farmers, and a good many others to be closer to logos but that’s a topic for another time. Anyways I’m not saying to be moral for the sake of morality (religious/societal morality) I’m saying be “moral” because it’s the best and most fulfilling way to live (primal/cosmic “morality”).

You can keep endlessly chasing the things you’ve been sold by slick marketers or ideological leaders (often one and the same) or you can find what actually makes sense to you. Is getting one more “notch” going to make you feel like a big man? Make you feel fulfilled? Leave to a life worth living? My guess is probably not or that you’re measuring things the wrong way. And I intend to start reflecting more of that on this site, on a deeper better path to follow.

Charles Sledge