Members Only Post #167 – How To Always Make Sure You’re Headed In The Right Direction In Life

Life can be confusing, by it’s very nature it’s confusing. It’s hard to tell sometimes if we’re headed in the right direction, if we’re doing the right things that’ll lead us where we want to go in life. And if that is a life that we’ll want. We all have various factors going on in our life that affect us on many different levels. We have environmental factors like where we live, access to good food, living, general environment, living conditions, family conditions, national conditions, and about one thousand other factors that affect who we are and who we become.

And then there are internal things. What food we eat, how much sleep we get, our lifestyle, our habits, our genes, and again one thousand other things. With all of these factors shooting around and swirling in our lives it’s very easy to become overwhelmed. Especially in an age where it’s hard to find true guidance. Fathers have stopped guiding their sons or knowing how to. Others have happily stepped into the gap.

And we end up where we are now. In a society where most wander lost and never fulfill their potential, never end up where they want to be. Granted this has been the fate of man for a good amount of time now but it does not need to be your fate, it does need to be where you end up. You have the ability to go where you want to go and live the life you want to live to a far extent. Most men who grasp the principle I’m about to share do and have throughout time.

Headed In The Right Direction

You know the old saying if you stand for nothing you’ll fall for anything? Sort of the same can be said of goals. If you have no goal then you’ll just drift around and end up anywhere. And anywhere is rarely where anyone wants to be. So how do you change this? How do you move forward in a right direction? And how do you know what a right direction is? Let’s start with knowing what a right direction is.

First off understand that it’s not something that you’ll get right away. The process of going where we want to go and heading down the right path is something that changes as we grow, evolve, and become more. What once we wanted may change and our dreams may shift. This is fine and a natural part of evolution. However we still need those dreams to get us on the road and heading where we need to go. Without them we’d never evolve or grow.

So what does that mean in reference to heading in the right direction? Here’s the thing when you first start out any direction so long as you are putting one foot in front of the other is the right direction. Any goal that you choose and start working towards is going to be in the right direction. It doesn’t matter what it is. Simple, complex, long term, short term, even foolish.

So long as you have something you’re working towards you in a thousand times better situation than if you have nothing you’re working towards. That right there is the most important sentence in this article and something that you might want to write down. I’ll repeat it “Having something you’re working towards is a thousand times better than having nothing your working towards.”

Having something you’re working towards is the biggest thing to make sure you’re headed down the right path.

What Is The Right Direction?

Have a goal, a goal that you’re working towards. Goals serve as the north stars for human functioning. If an alien were to write a manual of human functioning for other aliens the phrase “Humans go crazy, listless, and whole host of other negative ways when they do not have a goal to work towards each and every day. Put another way the human animal requires goal mentally much like they require oxygen physically.”

You need a goal. It doesn’t matter what. And then you need to take daily action for that goal. Read or listen to Earl Nightingale’s “The Strangest Secret in the World” when properly understood it’s one of the most powerful little books that you can read and explains so much of how the human animal works. Let me put this another way. When you have a goal and work towards it you’re heading in the right direction.

Doesn’t matter all that much what the goal is, so long as we’re not getting ridiculous. A goal of read a book of month is infinitely better than wandering around through life hoping for the best. A goal of losing a pound of fat a month is infinitely better than hoping for the best. And so on and so forth. Working towards goals develops skills and skills allow you to better accomplish other goals. And so on and so forth.

Let’s gamify it for a second. Look at goals like “experience points” that you get in video games to level up your character. The more goals you accomplish the more experience you gain allowing you to “level up” and accomplish bigger and better things. So long as you are gaining experience points, even if in small amounts, so long as you’re moving forward, then you’re headed in the right direction.

Charles Sledge