How To See The World With New Eyes & Understand More Than You Ever Thought Possible

Everything is connected, regardless if we see it or not. It took me a long time to learn this. I grew up thinking that everything was in neat little boxes and to see crossover was simply my foolishness. I grew up thinking that math had nothing to do with science which had nothing to do with history which had nothing to do with psychology and so on and so forth. I don’t know if it was the school system or what but I remember thinking that everything was in its specific little box.

It wasn’t until much later in life that I saw that all these subjects we study, all these events we go through in life, all the skills that we do not or do develop, are all interconnected and related, if we just have eyes to see. I think the first big connection I saw was between writing stories and how to live a successful life. How to go about one’s own hero’s journey and come out stronger, wiser, tougher, and more complete because of it. But then I started seeing similarities everywhere.

Part of this could be because of increased knowledge with age and getting out of school certainly helped as well. But the more I live the more that I see everything is connected and when we don’t recognize this, the harder life becomes because we’re missing big parts of it. Now don’t think I mean this in a quasi-religious manner where everything is connected and therefore sacred, far from it. Everything is connected but that doesn’t mean those connections are good.

There is evil in the world, of that have no doubt. But there is good too. But those are a bit off topic so let’s get back to everything being connected. Let’s start with the mind, body, and spirit.

The Mind, Body, & Spirit Three Parts Of The Whole

What you eat affects your spiritual health. I know that sounds strange but there’s science to bear this out. What you eat affects your hormones, your daily functioning, your mental capacity, and development. When you eat good things you have a stronger body healthier body capable of more. When you eat good things you have a clearer and sharper mind and are able to do more with it. Likewise when you train and develop your mind your body is capable of more. True martial arts are great examples of this but there’s plenty more. The develop of the mind helps the development of the body and spirit and vice versa.

It’s all connected and all related. If your mind is unhealthy your body and spirit will be unhealthy as well. If your spirit is unhealthy so will your body be, at least to an extent. You can cover this up pretty good, fool others, maybe even trick yourself. But at the end of the day all these things are connected and interrelated. That’s just one more reason while I harp on working to become well balanced. To not just be one thing. Don’t just be a jock, don’t just be a nerd. Don’t just be a warrior. Don’t just be a poet. Don’t just be well developed physically or mentally only, or only spiritually.

Work to bring all things about. Each feeds into and will strengthen, or weaken, the others. Every facet of your being, of who you are as a man, as a person is connected. Too often we ignore weaknesses in one area not realizing their affecting another area where it seems we are stuck. You should always be self-scanning, looking inside yourself and looking for weaknesses. Looking for things to be brought to balance, brought to be eventual strengths. Not in a neurotic way but in a healthy way.

The Connections In The World Around You

The modern media and school systems are both designed for you to not make connections in the world around you. They are designed to keep your blind, dumb, and docile to the obvious knowledge that is around you. Just like within yourself, without yourself everything is connected as well. You have to train yourself to think critically, recognize patterns, make connections, and then make conclusions based off of those patterns. Not be lulled in repeating propaganda put out by those in charge, no matter how noble, flashy, or whatever the propaganda seems. You have to think for yourself.

And you have to start seeing the connection between things. Don’t get stuck in a box. Branch out and learn all that you can on all the subjects that you can. Sure you’ll go off track here and there but as long as you keep pressing on you’ll find your way back on track. Only to veer off track at another point but again so long as you keep going you’ll make it. Think for yourself, use your skills of observation. See what works for you and what doesn’t.

Always learn, always grow, and always move forward. Look for the patterns and connections in the world around you. Develop your own thoughts and learn to defend them. You won’t always be right but this process of learning to think on your own, make your own connections, recognize your own patterns is critical. Don’t outsource your thinking to others. That will never end up will for you. Think for yourself. Look for the connections, they’re everywhere.

Everything Is Connected

The process of coming to truth is a long and hard one. Especially considering that often truth is ugly at best and horrifying on average. But with truth you can live a life in accordance with reality and there is great power in that. When you go against reality, reality is going to win just about every single time. I’m not saying don’t have faith, there is great power in faith. But still understand how the world and reality works. Understand humans and human nature, probably the most important subject you can ever learn.

And look for the connections around you because again, everything is connected. You just have to look.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge