Members Only Post #132 – How To Have A More Beautiful Life

What does this mean? What is beauty and why does it matters for a man’s life? Most males living today have a corrupted sense of what beauty is. Like most concepts and words the true meaning of them has been lost since ancient times. To the Greeks beauty was up there with truth and virtue, two things that were held in very high regard.

And something very important for life. But to us today beauty can me a variety of different things. We might describe a sunset as beautiful, a painting, or those that are most corrupted may even declare that an affront to nature is beautiful. But what does this mean and why does it matter for a man and his life?

I talk a lot about the ugliness of this world and life. There’s plenty of it too go around especially in the modern world. Sometimes we can see so much of it that it’s impossible for it to not affect us on a deep level. However if all we dwell on, all we see, is what is base we’ll naturally come away with a corrupted version of reality.

One that leads to depression, darkness, and in some cases death.

The Case For Beauty

In a strange way, beauty could what be what saves a life. But what is beauty? The dictionary definition of beauty is “a combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight.” but that doesn’t help us much here and is not what I’m talking about. We’re talking about the classical/ancient idea of what beauty was and still is. Beauty as being that which is close to truth and goodness.

What is high in the primal and cosmic order to put another way. Beauty can be seen in all natural things. Art, people, civilizations, nature, even warfare in the ancient times. There was a beauty there that represented a higher order, being closer to the gods. This could be seen in a brave man in battle, in the shape of a woman’s figure, in the effective working of a family, in technology even.

And there is still beauty in this world and this age. Now don’t think I’m saying that things such as porn are beauty. Because there’s a difference and a lot of it has to do with the definition of a thing. While the women who are in porn may or may not be or have beautiful qualities that does not mean that the porn itself is “beautiful” especially considering the fruits that it bears.

Beauty is healing to the soul and to the mind. Man seeks after it naturally.

How To Include Beauty In Your Life

This is going to be controversial but I’d recommend not dating a girl you’re not attracted to or who displays ugly qualities. I know some guys do this as a “slump buster” or for the sex or because they’re desperate but I’d say this arrangement can cause as many problems as it “solves”. Only date girls that you find beautiful and that you enjoy being around. And at the same time understand you have to develop yourself to meet such a girl.

Likewise look for ugliness in yourself and ways you can improve. What are qualities that you could be better in? I’m not saying have an unhealthy obsession with having a six pack or something like that. Don’t think what’s pushed in magazines and the like is beautiful because it’s not. I’m talking internally and externally. Do you have character traits you could improve? A skill you need to develop? And yes, maybe lose some fat and gain some muscle?

Surround yourself with beauty in other ways. I enjoy art, not the ugly modern art that is designed to venerate ugliness, but true art. Some classical, some modern like Frazetta. I collect art books and buy art to hang around places. Another thing is music I don’t listen to much, if any, modern music anymore. I’ll listen to instrumentals, classical, movie soundtracks (modern classics), and folk songs and styles.

Spend time in nature, I sound like a broken record with this but it’s so important to so many things. Be in nature, be part of it. Swim, hike, bike, breath in the fresh air and feel the elements against your skin. I also like to take trips to local “sight seeing” places. Whether architectural or natural. Travel around and explore neat places and neat things. Try something new.

See the good. That’s another important one. I’d advocate day in and day out to see the evil, the wrongness, the ugliness around you, because if you don’t it could blindside you. There is nothing blissful about ignorance. However at the same time maybe I don’t say enough about remembering what you fight for, what you want to get rid of the ugliness for. The good things.

Be Beauty In The World

Now at first glance that probably sounds like something you’d hear consumerist white girls say to each other, something devoid of meaning and soul. But when you get the true meaning of this phrase you’ll realize there’s great power to it, great power that the modern world has try to suck from it.

I mean forge yourself into the a being that is “closer to the gods” as arrogant as that can sound. Be humble, but strive and work hard to be and become more. Work to create more beauty in the world. That basis for this is embracing your masculinity and becoming a man, then everything else sort of builds off of and stems from that. Cultivate beauty by cultivating masculinity in yourself first.

And watch the world benefit from it.

Charles Sledge