Members Only Post #106 – Why There’s So Much Ugliness Around You

We live in a beautiful world with a great many beautiful things. Physically, mentally, and spiritually. When we take a second to pause and look at the good things we realize this. Whether that’s getting out in nature, going to some far off camp site, maybe it’s working hard on a story you’re writing and watching it take shape before you, maybe it’s raising your children and seeing them make a wise decision. And so on and so forth. We live in a world filled with beauty. But at the same time we live in a world filled with ugliness.

And part of this is part of the natural balance. We have beauty and ugliness, we have health and unhealth, we have wisdom and foolishness, and so on and so forth. To me you should focus on the good, strive to cultivate the good, while being aware of the bad. Natural healthy humans have a love of the things that are higher. Like the noble virtues of Asatru, or the virtues of Christianity. Some things are higher than others and those high things should be revered and cultivated.

Bravery is better than cowardice, honor better than dishonor, wisdom better than foolishness, and so on and so forth. Like I said healthy humans, tribes, and societies focus on the high things and strive to build the high things while curbing the low things. But also as I’ve said we live in a backwards “Satanic”, in the mythological sense, world. A backwards world. Let’s dig further into this and why it matters for you.

The War On Beauty

Man is attracted to beautiful things, this is natural and good. Whether that beauty is man fighting against insurmountable odds, a healthy and feminine woman, their children growing strong and wise, or a million other things. Yet the world today promotes ugliness in all forms, physical, mental, and spiritual. We’ll call it baseness or maybe degeneracy would be a better word, though that carries with it political connotations anymore. I mean these in a dictionary sense. We’ll go with baseness and this applies physically, mentally, spiritually.

The media promotes this baseness, the giant corporations promote this baseness, the government promotes this baseness, the financial system promotes this baseness, the schools promote this baseness, the culture itself promotes this baseness anymore. And people become infected by it. Those that would have developed in a healthy and beautiful way are hijacked and turned to ugliness. The male that would have thought honor and bravery good instead thinks they’re outdated and backwards. The girl who would think raising a family and being chaste good thinks it evil and awful.

All the good and beautiful things required for society to function are declared backwards, awful, and evil. The base things that destroy good things considered good and honorable, though they’d never use that word. Maybe some concrete examples are in order. We could look at obvious ones like fat acceptance. While I don’t think those that are fat should be hated on, they are unhealthy and should be lead towards health, and sometimes shame is the only and best way to do this. Or look in schools things like logic are considered outdated or even “racist”, whatever that word means anymore.

Think of how a chaste housewife who loves her husband and works hard to raise her children would be treated by the mainstream media. Or a guy who’s hardworking but also strong and tough, who doesn’t let his children get misled by every media mogul or school teacher with an agenda. These people are considered backwards and awful. They’re considered base when they’re fighting against true baseness around them. A guy being masculine is considered wrong and backwards.

Cultivating Beauty Requires Fighting

Like most good things in life you won’t get it without fighting for it and working hard. Beauty, physically, mentally, and spiritually, is something that must be cultivated in man. Baseness is something that is developed by taking the easy way out and letting your baser nature take over, something encouraged by modern society and the modern world. To circle back to the headline of this essay, the reason there is so much ugliness around you is because men refuse to fight against it. Men let others have their way with their culture, their society, their women, and their children. They sit back and numb themselves or ignore it while it takes place right in front of them.

They don’t fight. They’re weak, ignorant, or apathetic. Three things that a man cannot afford to be. Ugliness proliferates when males refuse to take a stand, to fight. To stick to their guns and for the things that they believe in. I’ve said a great many things in my life that have lost me “friends” and certainly social good will. Granted I never really cared and it got me closer to what I wanted and I did these things with tact, but still I say what I feel and this drives some people crazy.

Especially those infected by the modern disease of the mind, body, and spirit. I don’t go out of my way to say these things because I see very little point in arguing with people, but if asked I will be honest about things. Boldness is not just good for getting pretty girls to be attracted to you, it’s also good for life in general. It’s good for getting places in life and it’s good for your soul. Life favors the bold, always has and always will. Fight for beauty, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Be bold and watch the ugliness around you start to fade.

Charles Sledge