Members Only Post #127 – Forbidden Knowledge

This site is pretty broad, I made it that way for a purpose. I feel that there are so many things in life that a man needs to master that I’d be limiting myself if I didn’t cover all of them. Money and wealth, health and hormones, fighting and survival, tribalism and culture, mating and dating, mindset and beliefs, and a whole lot more. However this does not mean that this site covers every topic that you need to study or learn about.

Or that it’s a one stop shop in any capacity. There are a myriad of subjects that still need to be learned and understood to get the most out of life. Things like history, politics, changing ways of the world, and many things that I can’t cover on this site and am not going to. The more you learn the more you see connections and the more you see connections the more you see your old blind spots.

We live in interesting times in a number of different ways. On one hand things are going as they always have, humans are always going to be human. But in another way there are new ways of living that are coming about that don’t have much history to them. When you look at the world and everything that’s happening in it, if you look with the right lens, so many things start to fall in place and make sense.

Parables & Learning

A great many religious teachers taught in parables. They did this for a couple of different reasons. One is that parables are stories and people learn best through stories. They’re easy to grasp and fit into the human mind perfectly. Another reason was that they didn’t want to raise any alarms with the power structures of their time, so they used parables to tell truths that might have very well got them killed.

In many ways we live in times like this, where speaking certain truths or pointing out certain facts will get you killed. If not physically then socially and career wise, which is incredibly damaging. And more and more dissident voices to anything mainstream are being silenced and put down. Now granted I don’t think I’m big or important enough for this ever to happen here but it’ll trickle its way down.

It might start with this or that but eventually it’ll find its way to all those who oppose the monoculture. However we live in a time now where truths can still be grasped and gotten. While in the future we may enter a “dark age” of sorts where the truth has been snuffed out at least for some time. There are still sites to be visited, books to be read, videos to be watched, that might not be in the future.

Hence one of the values of having hard copies of things.

Forbidden Knowledge

I see so many men who have so much right. They on the right path for their finances, masculinity as a whole, they’re strong, they’re capable, they have critical thinking skills, they have a good mindset, they get so much right, but they miss a few key things that can undo it all. They refuse to let go of certain ways of thinking or beliefs of the modern world that will destroy them, that is destroying them.

They essentially refuse the “forbidden knowledge” they come so far but then turn away at that last door. The last door that leads to the abyss and because of that they miss out on the most important thing they can learn. The things that can’t be talked about yet are true. These men go forward in their lives with so much right yet neglect the few final things that’d really make the difference.

And they often go off into destruction because they ignore the rules of the world that are incorrect according to certain ways of thinking. But in our eyes the only things that should be “incorrect” are those that go against reality. These men may be well balanced in other areas but they keep part of the modern poison in them. A little chip that they hold onto and won’t let go of. Until it destroys them.

Practical Steps To Take

So what am I saying? I’m being cryptic yes but there’s a reason for that. There are things that are beyond this site, that can’t be covered on this site because of its nature. Just understand that the learning doesn’t stop here. This should be the start of things, not the end. I’d start by hoarding books that you think might be banned. Buy them, read them, digest them, understand them. See if there’s any truth to them. Try to understand the why behind things.

Avoid the mainstream explanation. Look for that final door, that forbidden knowledge that opens everything up. It’s quite horrible to posses I’ll be honest but it’s also needed. Don’t ever stop learning. And above all else never stop seeking. For those that seek find…even if that what they find turns out the be horrible. Be a seeker, forever, and ever. It’ll take you places you didn’t know existed but its good in the end.

And will get you the forbidden knowledge that will be required to survive in the world that is coming.

Seek truth out in all things and all places, you’ll be richly rewarded for it.

Charles Sledge