How To Break Bad Habits & Addictive Behavior

I’ve talked quite a lot on habits and lifestyle and how they have such a profound effect on your wellbeing and overall health and the quality of life that you live including but not limited to how much of a man you feel like, how happy that you are, how much money that you make, the kind of shape that you’re in, and the kind of women/woman that you’ll attract, and so on and so forth. Meaning it’s extremely important that you get this right.

There is a duality to habits and lifestyle it’s not just about getting rid of bad habits in a vacuum which never works but rather living a healthy lifestyle filled with good habits that replace the bad habits and eliminate the need/want/desire for them in the first place. And this works for addictions as well though obviously those are more advanced.

But there is a common thread that runs through both addictions and bad habits (as well as good ones), a common thread that the better that you understand that better you’ll be able to make use of. This applies to things like quitting porn, weed, alcohol, video games, social media, or a whole host other things and more. So let’s get started.

Dopamine Your Best & Worst Friend

Dopamine was created to help you do the things that ensure your survival and help you get on in this world. When living in a natural way and dopamine is working properly then it’s your best friend. It inspires you to go talk to that cute girl even though your nervous, it pushes you to take that risk on your job that pays off, it helps give you that little extra push in a hard match to win the day, and so on and so forth. When it is working properly.

But in the case of bad habits and addictions dopamine is not working properly or more accurately its not working how it was supposed to work. Porn, video games, drugs, and so on and so forth are all sources of unnatural dopamine and can wreck havoc on the system leading to all sorts of issues. And the way to break out of these bad habits and addictions is to desensitize your dopamine receptors to what they were created for in the first place.

So instead of being turned on by pixels you get turned on by a woman’s touch. Instead of living for getting another level you live for working towards becoming your best self. Instead of boozing you enjoy socializing and meeting people. And so on and so forth. Now obviously addiction is a complicated topic and this is by no means an exhaustive or medical treatment of it, but this process is important to understand as bad habits work on it as well.

“Fixing” Your Brain

So how does one undo the damage caused to their dopamine circuitry and brain caused by bad habits? While this is a complicated topic the best thing one can do overall is live naturally and healthy. Do the things that you were created to do. As I’ve said before when you live in a natural and healthy way you become a natural and healthy person but what exactly does that mean?

Well let’s look at the things that fuck up your dopamine receptors first things like (but not necessarily limited to) drugs, alcohol, video games, porn, junk food, and social media, these are all or can be unnatural superstimulus that put bluntly fuck up your brain. Now let’s look at things that are the opposite of that and that help “fix” your brain, meaning bring it back to a natural and healthy state (and with how important your brain is this is critically important).

Things like interacting socially with human beings (as in face to face), physical activity (walk, hike, swim, lift, sprint, fight, whatever), eating healthy, getting quality sleep, reading (both fiction and non), writing, meditating, spending time with loved ones, physical touch (from petting your dog, to hugging a friend, to laying with your girl), and things that naturally make you feel good.

Beware The Defeatist Mindset & Denial

It’s as “simple” as that (but simple does NOT mean easy) and if we’re talking addiction then it’s not that simple. But with that being said (AND THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE AS I AM NOT A DOCTOR BUT A RAVING MAD MAN) I see a lot of issue with the culture of qutting bad habits as being one that is defeatist and telling you that you’ll never truly be healed, which is bullshit. Many of these places want you reliant on their drugs, religious beliefs, or their profession forevermore instead of used a crutch to help heal.

All I’m saying is that you can be healed and you can beat bad habits. Don’t think otherwise, that is nonsense. Live the way you were created to live and you’ll feel the way you were created to feel and be the man you were created to be. A man in full. Most will cling to the things that slowly weaken and destroy them physically, spiritually, and mentally (just tell a MGTOW porn is bad) but if you want to live a truly fulfilled life you’ll do otherwise. Denial does you no good. And here at this site, I’m all about living the best life possible, no excuses, and no punches pulled.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge