How Short Guys Can Increase Their Sexual Market Value

I’m not a big fan of excuses. I’ve heard all kinds of excuses from guys why they can’t do the things that they want to do. Some say it’s because of their race, class, status, height, or other reasons and while I completely understand that some things are harder for some than others at the same time I know that excuses will only keep you down and ensure that you never achieve the things that you want. One of the things that I most often here is “Sure X will work for a guy who’s 6’6 but I’m 5’5 and therefore no girl will ever want me unless I’m super rich” and this just isn’t the case.

Again sure if you’re short attracting women will be harder for you than if you were taller but not impossible. And since this is something that has come up a lot I figured I’d address it more in depth. So say you’re 5’5 then yeah it’ll be harder to attract women then if you were 6’5 no question about it. Anyone who tells you otherwise is selling you a bill of goods. But before you go all “All hope is lost” on me, also understand that just because you were dealt a bad hand (in one area) doesn’t mean you can’t overcome it and experience much more success than the average man.

So instead of clinging to you excuses and wallowing in weakness and victim-hood instead you can work hard and overcome any handicap that you have. Look in life you have a choice to rise above the circumstances given to you or sit around and whine and bitch about it. The choice is yours. Yeah sometimes you’ll have it harder than others but boo hoo that’s life. Now let’s talk about how short guys can increase their sexual market value to compete.

If You’re Short, Get Wide

Meaning pack on the muscle. One “advantage” of being short is that every pound of muscle that you pack on looks that much better. This would work especially well for online dating where you can post a shirtless flexing picture (yes those work great if you’re actually in shape) and look much better than a taller guy who is going to have a hard time looking so muscular. But even in other situations being more muscular is never going to hurt you. Pack mass onto your traps, shoulders, and neck especially as this will make you stand out even more. Look at someone like Franco Columbo, sure he was a freak and next to Arnold likely had trouble competing but at 5’5 I’m sure he pulled plenty of women.

And walking into a bar/beach/wherever who are women going to notice more? The short Adonis or the gawky tall soy boy? There is no excuse to have an appreciably muscular frame and like I said above being shorter it’ll be easier for you to look bigger with every pound of muscle that you do put on. You want to be like Wolverine from the comics think he was supposed to be 5’3 and 200 pounds of muscle and testosterone. You get the idea, what you can’t make up for in height do so in muscle.

Wear Boots

And no I’m not talking about those clownish platform boots the PUAs wore (unless that’s your thing) but rather simply work or cowboy boots of whatever type fits your style. Sure it’s not going to make a huge difference but it will make that little bit of difference that can matter. A couple of inches won’t turn a midget into a giant but it will give you some working room. Any shoe that’ll give you a couple inches works great. Again cowboy or work boots are going to be the most common but I’m sure that there are others out there.

They even have these things called Elevator Shoes that are dress shoes that apparently increase your height (do a quick Google search for height increasing shoes and you’ll find them). Point is with a little bit of thought and planning you can add a couple of inches to your height while looking stylish at the same time. Essentially they’re like heels for men (but not in the weird way) meaning they add height and presence and can look great at the same time.

Dress Nice

Something I recommend that every man do is dress nice. For example when going on to a bar it’s just as easy to throw on a nice clean pressed polo that’s a good fit as it is to throw on some ratty T-shirt. Same with wearing dark stylish jeans as opposed to cargo shorts and nice boots or dress shoes as opposed to old sneakers, and so on and so forth you get the point. Dress like an adult, dress like a man who is successful and going places. Depending on where you go dressing nice may be different.

For example going to a club on new years in a big city then fitted suit, however going to the local pub on a Friday night polo and nice jeans. Again the point is invest in looking good and presenting yourself properly. Don’t look like a childish slob who just rolled out of bed and doesn’t know how to dress without mommy telling him. You should always be one of the best dressed people wherever you go.

Have An Unbreakable Frame

One of the biggest reasons that short guys have trouble is because being short they automatically exclude themselves from being desirable. A hot girl will show interest in them and they’ll shrug it off saying “Nah couldn’t be”. Then you’ll have the other short guy with an unbreakable frame who is breaking hearts and taking numbers left and right because to him his height doesn’t mean much of anything. Sure there are girls out there that won’t like him because of his height but who cares? Likewise there are girls that wouldn’t like him because of his style, personality, or the fact that he is a man, but why get bent out of shape about it?

Likewise some women will try him on his size (shit test, if it was really an issue they wouldn’t be talking to him/challenging him in the first place) and he’ll handle it like a man and have girls who others thought were out of his league all over him. Never underestimate the power of having a strong unbreakable frame as well as holding and maintaining that frame when it is challenged (as it often will be if it’s strong).

Having A High Sexual Market Value As A Short Guy

Yeah it’s possible but you’re going to have to work for it. I’d also refer you to two other articles that’ll do even more to sky rocket your sexual market value they are,

How To Go From Dud To Stud Instantly


How To Be A Girl’s Ultimate Fantasy

And if you’re really serious and want the nuclear option of increasing your sexual market value beyond what you ever thought possible then be sure to check out King Of The Jungle which will teach you more than you ever thought possible on the subject. Even as a short guy you’ll be blowing out guys who have a foot on you left and right.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge