3 Unpleasant Truths About Human Nature

But first let’s talk about exceptions before the comments get swamped with them. Of course there are always exceptions to the rule. Humans are capable of overcoming their nature and fighting against it. However live your life by thinking everyone is the exception to the rule and you’ll live a very short life. This doesn’t mean to not use discretion of course, all I mean is that one yes I understand there are exceptions to the rule so before you start commenting with “But my brother’s aunt’s half sister’s uncle didn’t do this” I understand. But with that being said the vast majority of people will deal with are obviously not exceptions.

When marketers make a new campaign or government officials make a new psy-op they’re not thinking about the exceptions which is why what they do is so effective. Their taking the harsh truths about human nature and applying them to their campaigns to get the response that they want from them. Also the titles of these are a bit tongue in cheek as well. So if you’re easily offended (first off what the hell are you doing on my site?) then exit now, however if you’re someone who values harsh truths (that set you free) over pleasant delusions (that keep you a slave) then keep reading. We’re going to get into some good stuff here.

Harsh Truth About Human Nature #1 – All Men Are Pigs, All Women Are Whores

Now what on earth do I mean by this? Now obviously I don’t mean every woman is out selling herself on the street corner every night nor do I mean that every man is stuffing his face and staring down every skirt that walks by. First off understand that man and woman were made for one another to complement one another and grow stronger from one another. A perfect balance of nature to produce the strongest species and civilizations. Women are not evil and neither are men. But we are both human and therefore do have foibles that stem from our biological needs and desires.

Maybe you’ve seen the gold digger YouTube videos. If not they’re pretty funny and I’d recommend checking them out. In them usually a rich guy will park his Lamborghini or some other very high end car outside of a gym or high traffic area. There he’ll wait for a woman with her (often jacked) boyfriend to come buy and ask her on a date or something like that. She’ll usually immediately leave her boyfriend and fly after the guy (who is not good looking or jacked). Now many would say “Oh well that’s just gold diggers” but here’s the thing all women at their core are gold diggers of one sort or another. Even though they may restrain it better.

Likewise if you could reverse it. And have a beautiful gorgeous woman proposition married men (who for some reason actually believe she’d be interested) and you’d get the same result. Very few women can resist the allure of lots of wealth (or power) and very few men can resist the allure of lots of beauty. Meaning that at the core of man and woman, all men are pigs and all women are whores. Of course again this is said to be provocative and get the idea to stick in your mind but it’s also true. Something if you wish to lead men or women you should be aware of.

Harsh Truth About Human Nature #2 – We Are Controlled By Our Emotions

And no I’m not just talking about women but including me and you. And yes including the manosphere which as a group is no different than any other group when it comes to our base natures. One thing the manosphere does well is call out the foibles and short comings of women, something our thirsty beta male filled society does not. However it’s also important to realize that men share much of the same nature as women and therefore are affected by many of the same things. Sure on average your typical woman is going to be far more controlled by her emotions than your average man, only an idiot would say otherwise (and actually mean it).

However this doesn’t therefore mean that all men are perfectly logical creatures who are above it all. Something I’ve talked about with copywriting is that even when selling to male engineers you can’t sell them through logic, you still need to sell them through their emotions and then later have them rationalize it with “logic”. That’s the way humans work including me, you, and the rest of the manosphere and society. Again so when dealing with people, no matter who they are, the best way to sway them is through appealing to their emotions and self-interest.

Harsh Truth About Human Nature #3 – We Are All Image Focused

Put another way we all judge a book by its cover. Beautiful women will go much further than ugly women (including in science, engineering, and the like) and a man in a suit with a dazzling smile could pretty much murder people on the street and be fine, whereas a guy in rags sneezing next to an officer could get him shot. Obviously this is hyperbole but it’s to make a point and get these ideas cemented in your mind. Looks matter, and they matter way more than you think. Let me ask you this how many marriages would last if the guy got fat and lost his job? Very, very few (yes I realize many wives do get fat and bitchy but modern “men” will tolerate a heck of a lot more than modern “women”).

Most women would leave their husband for something better and most men (especially if they were successful and got a prenup) would replace their wives with a newer model. Wearing a suit and getting some muscle will open more doors for a man than just about any amount of intelligence (and especially character) ever will. Likewise a woman getting fit and going to the tanning booth will do more for her career than understanding the subject of her career ever will. Humans are visual creatures, it’s how we’ve survived for so long and it’s not going away anytime soon, if ever.

Human Nature

I know some of you reading this from older generations are probably thinking “Damn Charles what’s the next one, that water is indeed wet?” and I understand. To many these facts will be plain as day. But there are many who live in comfortable illusions about how humans function and suffer from it. I’ve seen plenty in my own life. The more you can choose to acknowledge the harsh truths (the will set you free) over the comforting lies (that will keep you enslaved) the better your quality of life will be and the more you will be able to get from this world.

If you have any questions you would like to see answered in a future post send them to me at charlessledge001 (at) gmail (dot) com. If you found value in this post then I would encourage you to share this site with someone who may need it as well as check out my books here. I appreciate it.

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge