How Much Could Moving Improve Your Life & Well Being?

Maybe not all but a very large majority. It’s amazing what a difference geography can make in your overall well-being. I know that for the vast majority of people moving isn’t an option because of work or at least they’ve convinced themselves that moving isn’t an option because of work. But as we’ll talk about that’s not quite as limiting as it once was. First off let me say that regardless of who you are I think it’s prudent to spend some time working on a side income of some sort. It can be a blog, a mail order business, or doing something copywriting on Upwork. Just something to give you a little bit of independence and spending money.

There are a couple of reasons for this. First and foremost it shows you that you can earn income away from your job which I think has potent psychological effects. Most people stick with their jobs even if they ruin their lives, take time away from their families, and make them miserable not because the person could never find a new job but rather because they get a sense of security from the job that they are at. It’s sort of like the comfort someone gets from an abusive relationship and they never leave not because they couldn’t find someone else but because of the comfort in the current relationship. But just like an abusive relationship comfort can kill, if not physically (though stress and reduced lifespan are close enough) but mentally and spiritually.

Now of course it’s not easy to make a living off these side type of things and anyone who tells you otherwise is lying but it does allow you to get a nest egg and have some sort of security should you want to move or look for a new job. Also more and more jobs can be done through means that don’t necessitate you being physically there, of course most companies fight against this because they don’t feel like they have you from the balls from far away but eventually most companies will come around to this idea. Point is that even if you have a job that has you tied down that doesn’t mean moving will never be an option to you.

The Benefits Of Moving

Let me tell you something as someone who has been all over the United States. People are vastly different in different parts of the states. Something I’ve noticed is that some places might be nice to visit but it’d be a living nightmare to live there, likewise some places put you at ease and are “good for the soul” so to speak. I’ve also noticed that many people who are full of anger and complaints upon moving suddenly change their demeanor completely. For example I know people who moved from a large city in central Florida to a small rural town in the Midwest and have changed in completely different people (as far as happiness goes).

And I think that there’s a lot to this. If you live in a gutter place with gutter people it’s going to have a huge effect on your wellbeing and happiness. Likewise moving to a place with happy families, good looking women, and a sense of community changes one’s outlook drastically. I’ve lived in both kinds of places and can attest to this first hand. Also different places are better depending on what stage of life that you’re in. For example being a younger male and looking to make connections and meet lots of women (who probably aren’t going to be marriage material but fun) then a large city is a great place.

But if you just want to raise a family and be left alone then a small rural town is a much better bet. What happens is many people get stuck somewhere because of a job and it takes them or their family getting robbed or worse to consider moving (or the guy having a heart attack from stress or something else). Same with those who complain about where they live and have taken measures to make sure it isn’t them (sometimes it is where you live and not you). Some people are just better fits for certain places.

Where To Move

I think more and more you’re going to see an exodus of people moving from one part of the country or even world to another. For example any straight normal white male living in the U.K., Germany, or Sweden should get out now before they’re put in camps (of course might be the same for the U.S. in the next 20-25 years). Likewise those living in states like California, Florida, New York, or others may find the atmosphere becoming more and more hostile to masculine men in the coming years. A couple of places you may want to think about and do some research on.

Eastern Europe, Russia, the Midwest states, and very rural parts of Southern states. I think as of now these represent your best bets as far as sanity and health go. Of course if you have lots of money then it’s a different ball game. But given that the vast majority of people don’t have millions lying around and never will this is the best bet. Again not something that’ll happen right away but something to think about and in the next decade may go from a “nice to have” to “a needed right now”. So work on setting aside income, finding the right place, maybe getting some land to start. Or just something so that when it’s needed you can get to where you’l be happiest and safest.

The Power Of Geography

It’s something to think about, right now things are only going to get worse before they get better (if ever) so it’s best to prepare now. If there’s something you don’t like about your town or city it’s not going away or being fixed, it’s going to get worse. Think about moving while you still can. Again if you’re making millions or realistically plan on making millions (hint: if you’re making your money from Twitter or a wordpress blog you ain’t making millions) then this changes. But for the vast majority this is something to put some thought into and no matter what putting aside some income and working on being a little more financially independent will never hurt you.

If you have any questions you would like to see answered in a future post send them to me at charlessledge001 (at) gmail (dot) com. If you found value in this post then I would encourage you to share this site with someone who may need it as well as check out my books here. I appreciate it. You can follow me on Twitter here.

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge