Heartiste/Roissy’s Got A Book Out

Link Here.

Alright two things. First off no idea if the punctuation in the title is right, guessing not. And second not sure if it’s actually Heartiste who put it out or someone who collected his writings and frankly don’t care. Saw it on Amazon and thought would spread the word about it before it gets taken down or banned (Like Roosh’s book did).

Ordered my own copy that should be here soon. Know Roissy was recently “deplatformed” (which if you don’t host your own site (or even sometimes if you do) and write about anything non mainstream is just a matter of time before it happens) and so happy to see his writings out and about again.

Been wishing he (or someone else, even thought of volunteering myself at one point) would put together his writings and make them available in paperback format so they could be read in one’s hands (a lot of power to that) and not have to worry about internet censorship (bigger and bigger threat).

Sort of like what someone did with The Book of Pook, sure you can find it for free online but I gladly paid whatever the price was to have a physical copy I can share with my sons one day. One safe from the internet police (hopefully won’t be any book burnings anytime soon).

Don’t agree with everything that Roissy (or anyone else, even myself a year ago) says but think his underlying insights and philosophy can do a lot to help a man understand inter-sexual dynamics and the role of a man in them. Even if taken word for word might not be the right choice for you still there is something to take away from it and learn from.

Plus it provides a good fundamental understanding for many males.

Check out the book here while it’s still up.

Charles Sledge