Do Changing Tastes In Women Reflect Declining Testosterone Rates?

It’s no secret that much of the modern technological industrialized world is headed towards a hormonal crisis of some sorts, if not sooner than later. When you look at how the last one hundred years has affected the modern human you would think he had contracted a disease of some sort. Man is continuing his long spiral of devolution that seems to only be picking up speed.

This isn’t to say that all is lost or that things are hopeless (because they never truly are) but rather to point out an alarming trend and its effects far and wide. Now one area where I think this can highlighted is in the changing tastes in women. Now what do I mean by tastes in women? Let me explain.

Through the past hundred of so years changes is what has been considered the “ideal woman” has changed. Now as a quick note when I say ideal what I’ll be focusing on here is the physical not including other components which have changed as well. Now at first this might seem like a very trivial matter but it actually says a good deal about culture, masculinity, testosterone, and the over health of a society as crazy as that may be to believe.

What Is Healthy?

Since essentially the beginning of time human nature hasn’t really changed much. What a healthy man finds attractive has been the same in 10,000 B.C. as 10,000 A.D. however what has changed is the health of those men and the societies that they occupy. There is such a thing called the “golden ratio” that applies to everything from architecture to the human form. Things like wider hips (to a degree), strong legs, a slim waist, long hair, smooth skin, and the like have been attractive to men since the start of time and will likely be true til the end of time.

Granted that men are healthy. However when men become unhealthy this changes. Alright now for how this ties in. Say you were to pick up a Playboy from the 50’s or early 60’s most of the women in it would be full bodied healthy women. They wouldn’t be porn induced caricatures like Niki Minaj nor would they be waifish underfed women with the bodies of prepubescent boys like in the fashion industry. They’d have full hips, rounded butts, muscular thighs, slim waists, and above average breast sizes.

Now compare that to a Playboy in the say the 90’s or 00’s and you’d get a girl who was much thinner and more waifish looking. They’d have less that distinguished them as a woman. Essentially they’d be more androgynous. Granted other areas have also spawned up catering to women who look like ballooned clowns or other unhealthy “archetypes” which reflects an unhealthiness of another sort (dopamine overstimulation being one) but that’s a topic for another time.

Taking The Pulse Of A Culture

So again this might seem like a weird or inconsequential topic to bring up but it can a lot about a culture. And you could also say well changes in tastes have changed throughout time and something about how fat women were desired in Victorian times because they were well fed but I’d say one of two things to that. The first and most likely being upon closer examination I bet that was bullshit or that those of the Victorian era were not healthy.

This isn’t to say that this says everything about a culture of course, just another way to take a quick pulse and get a read on things. There are other things you can look at as well such as music, that might deserve an article of their own. Much of societal and cultural decline can be traced to masculinity atrophying and much of masculinity atrophying comes from lack of testosterone and the environment testosterone needs to be produced and flourish.

This isn’t to say TRT is the savior of Western civilization (though it’s closer than one would think). Simply that testosterone and therefore masculinity plays a much larger role in things than we think and that something as inconsequential as the models chosen for men’s magazines can reflect the health of that society and its longevity.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge