Discussing The PUA To Black Pill Progression

By the way the solution to PUA/MGTOW/Black Pill/Incel/LMS can pretty much all be found in this book right here as they’re all essentially problems of low testosterone and lack of masculinity. What I want to talk about here is the link between Western society’s raising of men, the rise of PUAs, and how that has led to black pill/MGTOW/LMS/incel whatever you want to call it, defeated whiny males who want others to join their pity party. And more importantly than anything else how to solve this.

Western society is an aberration really. It really is like a infected animal heavily diseased and with broken legs that for whatever reason just hasn’t died yet. And one of the things that Western society gets wrong (there are millions) is the raising and socialization of males. Masculinity is what those pulling the strings on Western society fear most (and rightly so) and it is what they seek to subdue and destroy above all else. Most of everything else flows from this.

If the string pullers are an infection, masculinity would be the white blood cells. Not a perfect analogy but you get my point. If masculinity were to rise then it’d be game over for them. Thankfully for them with things like MGTOW/black pill/incel and the like there’s scant chance of masculinity ever rising as even the red pill can lead to being subversive to masculinity. But I’m getting ahead of myself let’s start with Western society’s raising of males.

Western Society & The Raising Of Males

Since man was first created there have been certain things that he has needed to thrive and survive. The first is struggle, a male must learn early that in order to get anything in this life or from this world that he must fight and work for it. This is one of the many reasons that I recommend full contact sports for young boys as learning to fight and be fought against is paramount to their development. Males also need elder males to lead and guide them (though adversity can also often work in absence of these males) and a tribe or brotherhood or “flag” to call their own. They need an “us” to identify with and to distinguish from a “them”.

Now obviously you can see where Western society is failing males, and that is in every single way, shape, and form. Most Western males are over mothered by their mothers, schools, and the state. Their masculinity is declared a disorder and fixed by pill pushing psychologists, they are punished for being male from an early age, and taught that the ideal male is to be female. They are taught that male ways of being and solving are wrong and that female ways are right. Then they are told that males and females are the exact same to add to the confusion.

And most Western males internalize this and believe it. Then when they get to puberty and try to relate to females as if they were the same as males they wonder why they are rebuked and those males who go against everything they’ve ever been told have girls clinging to them despite them being everything they say they’re against and hate. Which naturally confuses these males who have gone lockstep with what they’ve been told. Combine this with never having a chance to have their masculinity “proven” or even developed, its been ridiculed, torn down, smothered, and snuffed out. Like pouring bleach on a plant trying to grow.

The PUA “Answer”

Enter the PUAs, people that could only survive where masculinity is confused and ridiculed. PUAs offered a “solution” to these males on how they could attract girls. Now was that solution find your balls and man up? No, of course not that would make actual sense and require work and there’s two things that are almost certain about all PUAs and that is they are either great businessmen, giant nerds, or most likely both. So something that made sense and required hard work (which never sells) would never work for what they wanted.

So entered a bunch of convoluted and nerdy advice on how to get girls. And the bad thing was is that it worked better than being a normal loser walking in lockstep with what you were told. Sort of like running endlessly on the treadmill will get you in better shape than doing nothing but sitting on the couch. However that doesn’t mean running endlessly on the treadmill is the best or most effective way to work out. Again not a perfect analogy but you get the point.

So these males bereft of masculinity and because of it struggling with the opposite sex gobbled this stuff up like crack. A booming business was born with reality show spin offs among other things. Males thought that they didn’t have to you know actually work on themselves and become “An Attractive Man Who Actually Enjoys His Life (TM)” instead they could just memorize some codes and wear dorky hats and presto the hottest girls would all be theirs.

The Black Pill Fallout

Surprisingly being a giant dork won’t get hot girls flocking to you, who would of thought? So these males (still bereft of their masculinity) now became disillusioned with PUA/red pill and the like. So what’d they do? Did they realize that they needed to sack up and become men and that that would solve a huge portion of their problems with the opposite sex as well as more important areas in life? No, of course not that would make sense and above all else require that dreaded and awful hard work that is the greatest of evils.

No instead they decided to throw up their hands and claim it was hopeless. MGTOW/incel/LMS/black pill/defeated male whose given up. Whatever label they went by the general outlook was the same. PUA/red pill didn’t work and therefore its hopeless and one should just give up live in their mommy’s basement and play video games and jerk off to porn and anyone who didn’t was a pussy pedestalizer or some other lame word nerd I’m misusing. However this is also in error.

Being a defeated whiny loser is not masculinity, its the opposite of it. As is walking lockstep with a society that hates masculinity, as is being a dorky performing nerd that has a hard time taking a club slut home, as is being a defeatist loser who mopes and cries. You see even though they have gone through three “transformations” they are all still bereft of masculinity which is what the problem is/was in the first place.

The Actual Answer

The growing and development of one’s masculinity is the answer. Women (well attractive ones, not androgynous uggos) naturally respond to masculinity but much more importantly than that it filters into every other area of your life. Career, relationships, and every facet physically, mentally, and spiritually. Testosterone and masculinity is the answer and always will be. I’d even go so far as to say masculinity is the creator’s natural protection and defense against the designs of what would rightfully be called evil (call it Satan or whatever symbol works for you so long as you get the grand idea).

Masculinity is the answer and masculinity is won through struggle, strife, suffering, through blood, sweat, and tears and requires hard work (the hardest) to develop in oneself physically, mentally, and spiritually. Essentially most of the articles and advice on this site is about developing one’s masculinity not just those in the masculinity section. You can whine and you can cry but until you sack up and put in the work on yourself and become a man you’ll never be fulfilled and live the life that you were meant to live and anyone who tells you otherwise is a liar.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge