Creating A Culture Of Excellence For Yourself & Your Family

Culture is extremely important, perhaps the single most important environmental factor in how one develops. It matters more than any of the other things that people make big deals about. It matters more than nationality, it matters more than religion, it matters more than government, it matters more than race, it matters more than genetics, alone it’s the single most important thing for how humans develop. And because of this it makes sense that you want to understand culture and use it to your advantage.

Maybe you’ve heard the term “culture of excellence” before, unfortunately it’ll likely be in reference to some corporate mandate on how to make people better drones. I want to forget all that nonsense and think of a culture of excellence as something else entirely. Think of a culture of excellence as a culture that produces those traits that are more desired and “highest” in man. For different people, different things are going to be cultures of excellence. For one person Sparta might be a culture of excellence, for another Athens, and for a third some symbiosis of the two.

The first thing you need to understand when looking to forge a culture of excellence is what that means to you. Get your definitions straight. For me a culture of excellence produces strength, wisdom, and beauty in its various forms. Granted that’s a broad outline so I need to get more specific but its a start. Such a culture would be against unnatural foods and media exposure and things that work against strength, wisdom, and beauty. Intratribal virtue or honor would be another important facet. The point is to identify the traits that are important to you.

It All Starts With Living As An Example

Everything starts with living as an example. We’ve all heard the cheesy saying be the change you want to see in the world, but the saying can have some hardcore implications if one thinks about it. Both Genghis Khan and Alexander the Great acted as being the change they wanted to see in the world. So did Leonidas, Richard the Lionheart, Napoleon, George Washington, and even Adolf Hitler. All made their impact on history by being the change they wanted to see in the world, by embodying it. You must strive to live as a personification of the virtues and traits you hold to be important.

You must serve as an example of the life that you think others should live. The pursuit of this will motivate you and drive you all of your days. Forcing you to do and become more. To push yourself and refine yourself. And if you ever hope to leads others then it’s an absolute requirement. Especially if you’re a father or plan to be one. A child will look to your example not your words. But once you’ve identified what you consider excellence and exactly a culture of excellence produces. The next step is to go out and embody these things. For example maybe you feel that woodsmanship is essential to the development of a boy. Yet you couldn’t survive a night in your backyard.

That’s a problem and shows work that needs to be done. I understand age and time can limit you somewhat, but you still need to do the best that you can. If you’re 60 you can think combat prowess is essential to the development of a boy that doesn’t mean you need to be a champ boxer or something. Just work hard at it and do all that you can. Push yourself to be all that you can be, that’s all that can ever be asked of anyone. It’s not about being the best it’s about doing your best. That might sound trite but it’s important to understand.

Enforcing Excellence

You must first live as an example but that’s not all. Not only must you hold standards for yourself but also for those around you and enforce those standards with proper discipline. Many parents or individuals in general are afraid of discipline anymore. The same psychologists that have misled us for centuries have now convinced many an other wise smart person that something like spanking is detrimental to a child’s development. Much like studies “proving” that veganism is healthy there is much to be questioned here. First off studies can prove whatever they want, but that’s a topic for another time.

If you want excellence from those around you, you must discipline them. Now maybe you’re idea of discipline and what I’m talking about are different, or maybe they’re not. All I’m saying is you must punish and reward, not one or the other. It’s something we do in all of our relationships anyways. Excellence doesn’t come from being soft, from being weak. Nor does it come from being heartless of course, but we’ve had that drilled into our heads for years now. It’s the hardness part that everyone forgets. You have to be loving but you also have to be firm. It doesn’t work otherwise.

I’ve heard psychologists, the master of lies, say that punishment doesn’t work, but all of human history serves as an example against this. They say rewards are more powerful than punishment, they’re wrong for two reasons. First copywriting has proven with cold hard cash on a scale of millions of people that people are more motivated more by fear of pain then desire for reward. Second one must use punishment and reward, not just one or the other. And both must be used for effective discipline.

Seed The Culture

Excellence is hard work and not something anyone expects anymore. But excellence is a prize that is worth it. Excellence and the pursuit of it in all that you do, in all that you are. Not just for the sake of the thing itself or to show off for others. No you do this for the internal fruits that it produces, in yourself and in others. Remember this all starts with an example, an example that you set, that you’re setting day in and day out. Get your own house in order before you judge others or attempt to get their house in order. Serve as an example. Don’t shy away from discipline. Discipline is love, lack of discipline is weakness and sloth.

And go and create, no, be a culture of excellence. An embodiment of it.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge

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