Might Makes Right: The Two Pillars Of Greatness

There are two things that nature and the world rewards more than anything else. Two things that have separated those that have risen to the ranks of the strongest and noblest of all from those that are forever stuck in mediocrity. These two pillars are the same things that brought the first caveman success over all around him, they gave success to the first conquerors, and great men of old. The first kings, the first lords, the first chieftains. And these two pillars will give success to those who conquer the earth and expand mankinds reach beyond the stars. They will also give you success, greatness, and strength in this life and time. They are timeless like the laws of nature.

Pursue these two things and you will have everything else added to you. Chase after anything but these two things and you will often lose not only what you are chasing after but what you have as well. These two pillars also make up the core of masculinity. Without these two things we wouldn’t have masculine men. They are a part of the very fiber of every strong man throughout time. Learn these pillars and make them an essential part of your life. To do so is the first step to greatness. These two pillars can always be increased and can always be taken to another level. They will always be with you.

The First Pillar – Courage

Courage, without courage what is there? Nothing. What good is everything else without courage. With the will to act and step forward what use is there for anything else? Courage is what causes change, growth, and moves things forward. Even strength is useless without the courage to use it. What is strength to a coward? Nothing it will do him no good, it will not protect him. However courage will serve a man will. It will allow him to write his will upon the earth, the bring forth what is in his mind and heart into existance. Without courage Alexander would have not conquered the known world, without courage Leonidas would not have stood against the Persians and be remembered forevermore. Without courage Richard the Lionhearted would not have sailed across the sea to fight in the desert.

It is courage that brings what is in a man’s heart into the real world. It is courage that unites heart and earth. It is courage that shapes the world to a man’s will. One man with courage can stand against one thousand cowards. He will have more effect on what goes on around him. It is through courage that a man makes his mark on history and is remembered forever more. It is courage that will define you and further your growth. Courage is the active pillar. It is the energy and fire that spurs you forward to accomplish great deeds. Courage is needed to go forward and to take action. Cultivate courage and combine it with the other pillar and you’ll be unstoppable.

The Second Pillar – Wisdom

Wisdom is much deeper than intelligence or mere knowledge. Wisdom is an understanding of the deeper things of life. Wisdom is timeless and never changing. Wisdom generally consists of principles. It is from lack of wisdom that most of the strong men of our and any other age have been undone. The opposite of wisdom is foolishness and foolishness leads to all kinds of trouble. Wisdom is understanding God, man, and nature. It’s understanding the deeper principles that lie underneath and being able to see past things at face value to their core. Wisdom and understanding are precious to living a good full life and making sure that you are not undone by others or yourself.

Without wisdom courage does not have good direction and can lead to recklessness. Wisdom is the unchanging pillar to the energy of courage. Wisdom is steel and courage is fire. Together they make an unbreakable pair. Seek and cultivate both and you will set yourself on solid ground that cannot be moved. Great men who have fallen throughout history got soft in either their wisdom or their courage which led to their undoing. Look for wisdom first and foremost and then other things will be added to you. It’s wisdom that makes men rich and happy. It’s wisdom that teaches men to prevent error before it begins. It’s wisdom that’ll guide you to success.

Fire & Steel

Like I said before wisdom is a timless unchanging principle think of a great mountain. It’s solid, strong, and will not be changed. Wisdom is a pillar made out of steel. Whereas courage is active and alive it only exists in motion, it is an energy. Think of a meteor streaking across the sky or a blast from a volcano. Courage is a pillar of fire. It is alive and active. Combine the two pillars and they hold up a successful life. Not as in you have a sense of well being success which doesn’t require that much but rather living a life of success by being the strongest and greatest. Those who fully develop both of these pillars are remembered by the history books and their ancestors. They accomplish great deeds and do great things.

To become one of these men of legend then you need to start cultivating both that fire and steel right now, there is no time to waste. To stand strong in this world and stand against all that would come against you, you will need both courage and wisdom. This world shows no pity for the weak and for the powerless. No matter what you want to accomplish and what you want to conquer you will need these two essential pillars, these two essential elements. If either of these pillars are weak it’ll have a negative effect across your life. You’ll never achieve your full potential without both courage and wisdom. Neither is optional.


Courage and wisdom are the pillars of greatness and success. They are the pillars that keep the temple of manhood up and in working order. Should either pillar grow weak then the temple will come crumbling down. A temple must be kept in good order to remain strong. Good order which means daily work and discipline. Work on both your courage and your wisdom everyday. You can always be more courageous and you can always be wiser. Keep forging the pillar higher and higher and you temple of manhood will ascend higher and higher as well.

If you have any questions you would like to see answered in a future post send them to me at charlessledge001 (at) gmail (dot) com. If you found value in this post then I would encourage you to share this site with someone who may need it as well as check out my books here. I appreciate it.

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge