The Abundance Mindset & Women

Very old guest post that don’t think ever went live so reposted it here.

Many men fall into the mindset that women are scarce and rare. That women, especially beautiful women are a resource that is in low supply but high in demand. While I agree with the high demand part I have to disagree with the low demand part. When men take the mindset that women are scarce and rare their mind ends up screening out the abundance of women they interact with in their day to day lives.

Women are literally everywhere. Stores, malls, parks, streets, work, schools, literally everywhere. If you take the right mindset that women are abundant it will help your game tremendously. When you think something is rare you place more value on it. If you went into a deal that had the potential to make you a million dollars you would be a lot more nervous than if you went into a deal that only had the potential to make you a couple thousand. The reason being deals that net you millions are rarer than deals that net you thousands.

Never Ending Supply

There is a never ending supply of women. Every day thousands of women turn eighteen. And this will continue until the end of time. For every beautiful woman out there, there is one even more beautiful. It doesn’t matter what type of women you are in too there are more out there than you could ever possibly want.

When you figure there out you realize there is absolutely no reason to be nervous around any woman. It’s not like missing a shot at a twelve point buck. In the case of women there always another one right around the corner, in the case of the buck not so much. You couldn’t have sex with all the beautiful women there are even if you wanted to, there are just too many. Just like you couldn’t make all the money you could ever want as there is just too much of it to be possible.

Women are an abundant resource. Many in the manosphere have talked about the importance of having an abundance mindset. I have myself have written an article on it. The abundance mindset is key to so much in life and women are not exception. Without the abundance mindset you get desperate and when you get desperate you repel whatever it is that you want, whether it is gorgeous women or millions of dollars.

Most Interchangeable, All Replaceable

Another thing about women is that for the most part they are interchangeable. Sure there are probably ten percent that are unique but the rest can be switched out with little change. So the girl you are with no matter how “special” you think she is, really isn’t. She could be swapped out with relative ease. Knowing this you realize you don’t really have to worry about her as getting a replacement is easy.

For example if you lost your grandfather’s ring he wore through the war you would be sad because it isn’t something that is replaceable. But if you lost a quarter that fell out of your pocket you wouldn’t really care as there is quarters everywhere.

So many men put with up with ridiculous things from women. We’ve all seen the henpecked guy following his wife around doing whatever it is she wants. The most uttered phrase out of his mouth is “yes dear” and “whatever you want”. This guy likely thinks that women are a rare resource and the he the male is the less valuable one. If he thought otherwise he wouldn’t put up with all the crap that his wife or girlfriend puts him through. He’d replace her with a newer better model the second she started acting up or annoyed him.

He would do this because he understands that there is always a newer better model out there. This gives him power as he realizes that he doesn’t have to take any crap from women and that he sure as hell doesn’t have to slave away for some unappreciative bitch who will just end up cheating on him anyways as she has no respect for him.

Most guys will deny that women are in abundant supply but it is to their own detriment. While most women are interchangeable, all women are replaceable. When you realize this it cures any fear you may have had when interacting with women. You realize that there is nothing to fear and there are better things in life to spend your time worrying about.

Just Try

Like stated before you couldn’t sleep with all the women you wanted to even if you focused your entire life on it and nothing else. There are just too many. If you approach a girl and she shuts you down move on. There is no point wasting your time on a woman who is going to make things hard for you. Trust me there is another women nearby who will make things easier and actually be worth your time. Never stay with a woman who doesn’t satisfy you one hundred percent, there are just too many out there.

This goes beyond just sleeping with women. If a girl annoys you move on. If a girl just doesn’t suit you move on. Not only will this make more women attracted to you but it will help you keep your sanity as a man. Something far more precious than some quick bangs.

If you bought a phone and it didn’t work you wouldn’t say “Well I should just be thankful to have a phone” no you’d replace it right away. Because you know it is easy to get a new phone. Well it’s easy to get a new woman as well.


This doesn’t mean to let opportunity pass you by or mean that this is a free pass to puss out. It isn’t. You still have to take action, you are the man. You still have to spend time approaching and talking to women. Just realize that you’re dealing with a commodity that is in abundance here and should act as such. Meaning don’t put with crap and don’t worry there is always a newer and better model out there.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge