How Commercialism Destroys Masculinity

Desecration, it’s not a word that one hears much anymore but it has a powerful meaning. To desecrate means to treat a sacred place or thing with violent disrespect. Since in commercialism ideologies there is no such thing as sacred (except perhaps making more profit) it’s no wonder that we’ve seen a huge growth in the watering down and melting down of things to turn a profit and strip them of their meaning.

There is a lot of talk about how ideologies like Communism and the like have negative effects on language and one can see this with words like “tolerance” and “good”. But what is not talked about as much is how things like Capitalism also do this to words and things. Commercialism is just as big a threat to masculinity, honor, family, blood, strength, wisdom, and the good things of this world as things like cultural Marxism are.

Which I intend to explain more in this article. Now maybe you could care less about ideologies and the like and I completely understand. But also understand that you live in a society that will be affected by ideologies and therefore the things you are exposed to will be affected, in turn affecting you. To prevent yourself from swallowing poison and keeping yourself “clean” and “pure” it’s best to be aware of these things.

Spartans Rolling In Their Graves

I’ll start with the biggest offender. Now don’t get me wrong I “get this” on one level. Since the movie 300 the Spartans have increased in popularity throughout society by leaps and bounds. It wasn’t long before corporations (and the soulless people who run them) started to see marketing potential in this. And then you had a wave of “Spartan” branded products. Taking an honor culture and desecrating it for more monies.

You have the “Spartan” race where a bunch of yuppie white people jog through mud so they can win an award and feel good about themselves. You have various books talking about Spartan this and Spartan that which is as easy as taking a cold shower and getting up before dawn each day. You probably have “Spartan” supplements and “Spartan” fitness devices and so on and so forth.

Now this isn’t necessarily to hate on those doing the races or even on corporations doing what they do. It’s to point out a fact and how it affects masculinity, including your own. Spartan means something and meant something. The men living in that society worked hard to leave a legacy that is, has been, and will be desecrated for factors we’re going to talk about.

No Honor In A Commercial Society?

In a healthy society there are things that are put before commercial success and making lucre. Things that are considered above such base things. Not that these things are needed. One must make money no doubt and if doing so in a vocation that actually provides value (which let’s be honest most do not) than that’s great. But this does not make money the end all be all. Yes one must make money just as one must shit to stay alive.

But that doesn’t put it on the level with other things. In healthy societies there are things beyond simple survival things. For example honor. To materialist ideologies this is blasphemy (doesn’t matter if that ideology is Communism, Capitalism, or anything else). And when such ideologies take hold in one’s society and began to affect/inject them then there is going to be fallout from that.

Even the Navy S.E.A.L.s are not immune from such things. Look at how many “S.E.A.L.” workouts and cheap books there are (not talking about memoirs which are a bit different). 30 days to S.E.A.L., You can be a S.E.A.L., and so on and so forth. Watering down, desecrating, and making low that which is supposed to be high.

The Warrior Is Greater Than The Merchant

America (and much of the Western world it has infected) has had a love affair with the merchant for a long time. And this has resulted in much of its undoing. I know as a small business owner I have been told the lie many times by many different people (speakers, politicians, others) that I’m the backbone of American society and that without me (and salesmen) nothing would happen or get done.

And that’s complete and utter bullshit. The salesman/small business owner is not the backbone of a society. The merchant while needed (just like sewers are needed) is not the backbone of society nor the most important part, and I say this as one. Neither is the farmer, or the housewife, or whatever bullshit politicians spew to get votes and stroke the ego of these groups.

No, the backbone of society always has been and always will be the warrior. Without the warrior nothing else can exist. A topic for another time. But societies that forget this and that raise what is base and lower what is high, always end up producing things that reflect this. Just something to be aware of so it does not affect and corrupt you.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge