How To Hack Your Customer’s Minds For Higher Conversion Rates

Conversion rates are incredibly important for anyone running an online business. But first we must talk about something larger than conversion rates. Sales. It is a fundamental aspect of creating a life that you enjoy. Without properly knowledge of sales regardless of how much quality content you write or how much hard work you put in, you are going to be selling yourself short. Very short. As a matter of fact marketing and sales may very well the most important part of your path to wealth. Unfortunately when most think of sales and marketing they think of high pressure sleaze bags.

But this isn’t the truth. Sure there are dirt bags in sales and marketing but there are dirt bags everywhere. There are dirt bags in literally everyday profession and group that there is and ever will be. Don’t let this perception turn you off from something that could change your life. Imagine not working out because you hated dumb meat heads. Working out is good for you and improves your health yet many’s perception of working out prevents them from doing so. It’s the same with sales and marketing. They have the potential to change your life if you let them.

Now with that out of the way let’s get down to business. In today’s world customer’s are bombarded with information day in and day out. They are exposed to ads on their drive to work, their walk into the office, the TV at night, on their phones, on social media, there are few places left where one is not exposed to ads. Because of this they get numb to advertising and the messages that those advertisers would like for them to pick up. However there are a couple of things that you can do to help you ad stand out from the crowd and be remembered in a prospects mind. Here is how you rise above the noise and increase your conversion rates.

The Relevancy Of Your Message

Imagine this. You’re driving home from work one day, your boss just chewed you out, your landlord is beating on your door wanting money, and you’re scanning through your bank account which seems to get lower every time you check. Your land lord finally stopped his attempt and has gone off to other duties. You breathe out a sigh of relief and click onto another site. There in the sidebar of the site you see a ad with the headline “How to make millions and leave your nine to five forever” on it is a guy with a giant smile with two beautiful woman on each side. Usually you’d roll your eyes at this stuff but you figure what the heck, what do I have to lose.

You click over to the site and it brings you to a video. There a guy tells you a story that sounds eerily familiar. Before you know it you’re ordering his book for fifty bucks. You figure hey if he made it out of my situation and has information where I can do the same the fifty bucks is worth it.

Now why did this ad stand out in this man’s mind? Usually he’d roll his eyes at such a thing yet this time something was different. Before when his bank account was higher and he wasn’t under so much pressure he didn’t care as much about making money but now things are different. Now his desire for a solution has increased and the ad was relevant to his problem at hand.

You can apply this to your ads and copy as well. Think about who your customers, readers, prospects, or whatever are. What do they need or more importantly what do they want? And how can you tie in your copy to be relevant to that want? Are they divorcees scared they’ll never find a man? Are the shy college males who are scared they’ll graduate virgins? Are they working fathers afraid they won’t be able to support their family in the upcoming economic times?

Find out who you’re customers are, really dig down, and then write copy that is relevant to their needs, wants, and desires. Do so and your conversion rates will soar.

Repetition, Repetition, Repetition

So if making your copy relevant is the number one thing you can do to increase your conversion rates than repetition comes in a close second. Whether it is affirmations of the positive or negative kind, memorizing things for a test, or trying to convince yourself you can do something repetition has a unique power of the human mind. When something is repeated and processed over and over again in the human mind it is much more likely to stick.

Think of how we develop habits. It comes from what? That’s right repetition. Smoking one cigarette isn’t going to do anything to you, it’s doing it over and over again that gets you addicted to it. When something is repeated over and over, it sticks out in your mind.

Imagine this. Say you come home from work one day log on to your favorite site and read about how dominance is important in your relations to women. This goes against what you have heard you’re entire life so you dismiss it. Then boom later that night you see a scientific study done showing women lust after dominant men. Then the next day at a bar you see a gorgeous woman fawning over some asshole who dressed in ratty clothes and looks like he hasn’t showered in years yet projects a dominant demeanor. Suddenly dominance means something to you.

Now had you simply seen the article you have dismissed it outright. But it was the repetition of the concept that made it stand out to you and made you take notice of it. A customer has to be presented with the sale an average of seven times before making a purchase. Seven times. Show your ad to a customer who likes you and is crazy about your product one time and they might not even buy it. You need repetition to increase conversion rates.

Increasing Conversion Rates

The best thing you can do to increase your conversion rates is to increase both the relevancy and repetition of your copy and ads. If a customer sees that your product is the solution to his or her problem and then sees it everywhere it is really only a matter of time before they buy. Remember with over stimulation people forget, hell without over stimulation people forget. Your ads and copy must grab their attention through relevancy and stay there through repetition.

Doing so is one of the best ways to increase conversion rates. For example high pressure buy now ads often fail if the customer doesn’t take action right away. However having a message that is consistently relevant and consistently brought into the customers field of view are going to stand out in their mind and increase their chances of buying. Aka increase your conversion rates. Strive to always have a message, ad, and copy that is relevant and is seen often. Do so and you will be well on your way to living the life of your dreams.

If you have any questions you would like to see answered in a future post send them to me at charlessledge001 (at) gmail (dot) com. If you found value in this post then I would encourage you to share this site with someone who may need it as well as check out my books here. I appreciate it. You can follow me on Twitter here.

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge