3 Things That Give Men Real Life Superpowers

I have a theory. And that theory is that the more in line that you live with how you were created to live the happier, healthier, and better off overall that you are. For the religious I think this is what was originally meant by “living God’s will” to live how you were created to live. When you do this good things happen.

And when you don’t do this you end up with all sorts of weird problems mankind was never supposed to have. And when you rediscover these things your life begins to improve by leaps and bounds. Let me use an analogy. Let’s say that you have a plant and you want it to grow. Now let’s say that the common way to deal with plants is to place them in a dark room and then dump cola into the plastic foam that you’ve placed the roots in. What would happen?

Well very obviously the plant would die very quickly. Now you may say this is obvious but look at how the average human is worked. He’s put into a cubicle for 8 hours of day, goes home and eats frankenfoods while watching a glowing box, then goes to sleep less and less with the company of someone he cares about and yet we’re surprised at the suicide and depression rates.

However if you changed out the foam with soil, the cola with water, and the dark room with a sunlit area suddenly the plant would start to grow and flourish. And then you’d be shocked and declare that you have found superpowers for plants. But really what you’d be doing is just returning them to how they were intended to live.

So let’s get started on three things that will give you real life super powers.

Real Life Super Power For Men #1 – Reading

Fiction, non-fiction, articles, books, and more. Reading does an amazing thing for your mind. Non-fiction teaches you about things that others have had to work hard for to understand and learn and gives them to you easy. Whenever you are starting a new subject or have an area of life that you are struggling with there is always someone who has been there before and worked hard at discovering a path.

Imagine if you had to start everything from scratch? We’d never get anything done. But by using the knowledge and experience of others we can drastically increase the rate at which we increase our understanding and knowledge. For example say you’re starting a sales career and read the top 5 sales book out there. You’ll already be ahead of 80% of your profession that does the same thing day in and day out for years.

And that’s not to say that fiction doesn’t have value because it most certainly does. Fiction allows you to understand and process social nuances much better not to mention works as a great aid to your imagination and inspiration. Fiction has been required for more action being taken in the world than non-fiction ever could and that’s a fact. Don’t treat fiction as second class because it is far from that. Read both.

Real Life Super Power For Men #2 – Fighting/Physical Training

I hesitated to put in physical training because to be frank I’ve never experienced in an air conditioned gym what I have while sparring or rolling, but to each their own. If pumping up on a set of tricep extensions really gets you going then who am I to judge? Also things like hiking and surviving in nature I’d include as part of this. Hunting to an extent as well depending on how its done.

Physical natural exertion is what we’re getting at here. And it’s something that you should be doing just about every day. I use fighting (boxing/MMA/BJJ/Muay Thai and so on and so forth) as my primary example because it is what I do the most. But like I said there are others things that work. Though I would prefer hiking and surviving outdoors to working out in an air conditioned gym.

But the big thing is to find what works for you. For some it might be a hiking club, for a lucky few it’ll just be getting lost in their backyards, for others it’ll be joining a combat sports gym of some sort, and for others it’ll be going to the gym to lift iron. Do what works for you just make sure that you are physically exerting yourself on a near daily basis. This will give you superpowers.

Real Life Super Power For Men #3 – No Fap

Masturbating is weakness, plain and simple. There is a reason that every productive society has had a taboo against it and it has nothing to do with “repressive morality” but rather masculine discipline. There is nothing wrong with having an orgasm with a woman particularly if you care about her and particularly if she’s beautiful. Hence while I’m against the no “PMO” recommendations I’ve seen go around (PMO standing for porn, masturbation, and orgasm.) I agree with the first two (no porn and no masturbation) but no the third.

Porn is a cancer that wrecks and destroys your manhood, no two ways about it. While many see it as something harmless it is anything but. When you cut it out of your life and start to see clearly you’ll see what I mean. Not only will you be ten times more attractive to women but you’ll also be ten times more productive and ten times more the man that were you were created to be.

While masturbating by itself is technically not as bad as masturbating to porn its still something that should be reduced if not cut out completely. There is nothing masculine or strong about jerking off because you’re A. too weak to control your urges or B. not masculine enough to attract a woman. Either way you look at it, it’s not helping you. Cut out the porn and masturbation and watch how your life changes.

Become A Super Man

In the true sense of the word. This stuff isn’t easy, it takes time, hard work, and discipline which very few will ever do. This is the way you were created to live with a full life that radiates out from you. And that is what these three things do for you. They cause your life force to grow and radiate out like never before. Hence superpowers.

I’d ask that you’d take a month to try all out all three and see the changes that you notice. I know many are skeptical of number 3 but frankly I think that’s the most powerful one of the bunch. And frankly hardest for many men. But 1000% worth it (that’s not a typo). So try it out and watch your life force grow like never before.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge