3 Problems With Western Males

Or any modernized males, I’m using Western here because it is the more accurate idea at this point in time. And this goes beyond race, sure at this point in time some races are more steeped in the modern world than others but no race is immune from the effects of modernity and all are at risk of succumbing to it. Today it might be white people tomorrow it’ll be another. Modernity like a disease doesn’t discriminate but goes after all that it can.

So regardless of who you are this article could have something for you. As what I’m going to outline here applies to all males, it’s just most seen in Western males. And again by Western what I’m mostly referring too is modernized. And by modernized I mean more than just living in the suburbs or having air conditioning or anything of that matter. It also has to do with a value system and way of living. It has to do with a spiritual outlook as much as a physical setting.

For example elevating the material beyond the spiritual is an aspect of most modern lines of thought on both sides. For example Capitalism and Communism both have the material as occupying one of the highest places in the human psyche but that’s a topic for another time. For now let’s address the major problems with Western/modernized males that may very well have an effect in your own life.

What The Problem Isn’t

But before we get into things let’s first address what the problem isn’t. Many chalk up these problems with simply being effects of industrialization or a sedentary society or so on and so forth. And while those things certainly play a role it’s a bit bigger than that. Likewise many will say these problems come from having the “civilized virtues” such as compassion, love, and the like but it goes beyond that as well. It’s not because of “having nice things” that these problems arise.

But more because of a forgetting of things that come before. So we can very well have all of these nice things as long as we remember the more important things that got us these nice things in the first place and allow for things like “civilized virtues” which in the right context are very good things and add greatly to a society and culture. But in order to keep these “nice things” these other things must first be addressed.

Problem With Western Males #1 – They’re Soft

We all know this. It’s not exactly a secret. Modernity does not lend itself to creating men of iron. Most would say this is an inevitable cycle that strong men create good times and good times create weak men and weak men create bad times and blah blah blah. And while with nothing working on the cycle, yes this is true, but that is the entire purpose of culture and individual action. To modify the cycle.

But getting back to the point, on a whole Western males are soft. And when males are soft they don’t get respect. They don’t get respect from other males from other tribes/cultures/societies/etc, they don’t get respect from their women, and they don’t get respect from their children. Remember respect always comes before love. Put another way if Western males which to have anything nice and good in their lives and world they need to harden the fuck up and fast.

Not every male has to or can become a hard as nails bad ass but simply become stronger, tougher, and harder overall. Males in the modern world have to take measures to make sure they don’t descend into softness and weakness. Before the world itself would have solved this for males in a society but no longer. And this is probably the biggest overall problem for Western males, they’re soft as butter and that invites exploitation and eventually destruction.

Problem With Western Males #2 – They’re Naive

Most of these problems I’m going to be talking about come from having a separation from how the real world works, a sheltering of sorts. And just an FYI one can grow up in the inner city and still be sheltered from a great much of the hardship of this world living in the modern world. But this goes beyond that. This goes into understanding that other people don’t want to be your friend and are more often than not looking to exploit you in whatever way possible.

There is no such thing as the brotherhood of man, string free love, or universal “rights” (or rights in general). People are not inherently good and different people want different things. We’re not all ever going to sit around a fire and sing kumbaya with the various peoples of the world. Warfare, violence, and death is the natural and predominant state of man and just because one has forgotten that does not make it true. Giving your enemy a hand up does not make you noble, it makes you a fool and a candidate for a Darwin Award.

And so on and so forth. While there is place for love and charity within a brotherhood, within a family, and even within a community when such things are extended to the world as a whole one ends up destroyed. People are not good, equal, the same, loving, or can always be saved or changed. Western males lack this inherent wisdom, and will/are suffering because of it. Getting exploited and trod on does not make you noble it makes you stupid. Naivety as a whole is a dangerous thing in this world, and many if not most Western males have it in spades.

Problem With Western Males #3 – They’re Shallow

Now what do I mean by shallow? Do I mean they like girls with slim waists and nice hips? That they don’t delve deep into existential philosophy? No and no. What I mean by this is that they place the base above the high. For example they place things like money, comfort, and the illusion of safety over things like blood and honor. They’re vain and shallow, their roots (if they have them) do not run deep or far.

They lack tradition, culture, and things beyond the temporal world. Whereas in healthy societies things like bringing honor to one’s people is considered a great victory for most Western males getting great individual riches would be considered a great victory. They become more and more base with each passing year. Losing the good things and the honorable things in the process. Becoming parodies of man, exploited and manipulated by forces that were created to do so.

Cash over family. Comfort over honor. Safety over true freedom. And so on and so forth. Such things and such values do not produce strong, wise, or good men. They produce sad parodies of men. This baseness destroys the virtue (in the Roman sense) that makes males men. That strength, that masculinity, that internal fire. Without this there are warriors, rogues, artists, or heroes. Simply sad parodies of what man could be.

Fixing The Problem

The good news is that each and every one of these problems is fixable. Now whether it will ever be fixed on a society wide scale one can never say. If current trends say anything then the answer to that is no. But that does not mean that you can’t be the exception, that you and your family can’t be the exception to the rule. But it’ll take work. There are many different ways to address each of the problems listed here and maybe I’ll make an essay on doing so at some point.

The first step is awareness. Do you see these things in yourself? In your family? In the community around you? Is there anything you can do to change such things? You always can in yourself and should (that should be the first step and first priority) but also look to others. Is there someone you can mentor or are a mentor to? Is there something you can do in your community? Or most likely do you need to work on yourself and get your own “house in order” (so to speak) first and foremost?

I see a lot of complaining but little working, fighting, and changing. Bitches are going to bitch. But men do the work that needs to be done. You want nice things? That’s great, we all do, but we have to work to have, to deserve, such things. This world doesn’t hand them over voluntarily. Be strong, be wise, and be deep and you’ll be amazed at the things you can accomplish.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge