Never Tolerate Disrespect

Respect is everything. If there was one thing that I could drill into the head of men everywhere it would be to never tolerate disrespect from anyone, at anytime, and at any place. There is never an excuse for disrespect. Disrespect is never something that can ignored or brushed off, it must always be addressed. I’m not saying that every time someone looks at you sideways you behead them and put their head on a pike. Simply that disrespect must be addressed. It cannot be ignored or swept under the rug, it has to be addressed.

It may be a passing remark, it may not be respecting your time, it may be trying to make you a fool in front of others. The form that the disrespect takes does not matter, it cannot be allowed to stand. If you do allow it then you will declare open season on yourself and will deserve all that you get. You can have no tolerance from disrespect. Not from your boss, not from other men, and sure as hell not from women. You are a man and must conduct yourself as such in this world, meaning never tolerating disrespect.

From Men

Knowing how to knock a guy’s teeth out always helps with not tolerating disrespect from men. Now the most common disrespect from men is going to be other men trying your mettle. Do not back down, never back down. Backing show shows weakness and you will be destroyed for it. Not saying to escalate simply address what has been said. If you let it go you declare yourself prey and will be treated as such. It could also be a sideways comment or a glance. Again no need to drive your fist through a guys face because of an off word, address with your words and calibrate as needed.

Deep down you must have the will to fight or disrespect will be a never ending part of your life. There is a very wise saying that circulates around the America South (one of the few places where masculine white men still exist) that is essentially summed up as “Never start a fight but always finish one”. Meaning don’t be the dumb jackass that goes looking for a fight (great way to get yourself killed) but never back down from disrespect either. Predators are looking for an easy mark. You must not only not be an easy mark but be able to make the predator prey as well. If you would so choose.

From Women

I’ve seen men who would take a guys head off for saying one word edgewise to them in the wrong tone yet sit there and let a woman berate them. Now I’m not saying you handle disrespect from women as you do men, as women and men are different. But nevertheless disrespect from women cannot be tolerated either. You must always be ready to call women out on their bullshit. Never tolerate disrespect from women. I don’t care if she’s the president, your mother, the hottest woman that has ever walked the earth or whatever. You do not tolerate disrespect from anyone at any time.

You must be ready and willing to put any woman in her place who shows you disrespect. Respect is everything. Without respect you have nothing. Even little breaches of disrespect must be addressed. Again not by becoming a raging maniac but by being cool, calm, and confident and pointing out the disrespect. Not politely but firmly. Firmly, calmly, and assertively. Like a man. Some women never meant it in the first place but have gone their entire lives without being told otherwise while others purposely do it. Either way it must be addressed. Because as I’ve said respect is everything in any relationship.


If you tolerate disrespect you will be ripped apart. By men, by women, by everyone. A male who tolerates disrespect signals to others that he has no respect for himself and is going to be blood in the water for most. You must have respect for yourself. To make your way in this world you must take care of yourself first and foremost. You must have self-respect. Set boundaries and do not waver from them. Stick to your guiding principles and never compromise for anyone or anything.

This starts with never tolerating disrespect. Do whatever you must to address the disrespect. Do this enough and disrespect will occur less and less as all will see that you have respect for yourself and are not to be trifled with. The world in constantly testing for weakness. All will go after a weak man. Like herd animals who go after weak lions, that is because a lion is supposed to be bold, strong, and king of the jungle. And when one lets itself slide it will be destroyed by those who once feared and respected it. Being a man is no different, you must fully be the lion or perish.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge