Being Unapologetic: A Key Tenet Of Masculinity

One of the most lacking traits of masculinity in our culture is being unapologetic. We’ve been trained to apologize for everything that happens. Males are made to be like Pavlov’s dogs to respond to everything with an apology. We have been taught that being apologetic is a virtue of some kind. That to be apologetic makes us “noble” or “good” in some way, shape, or form.

However the truth is being apologetic is no virtue and more often than not more an offense than anything. An offense against your masculinity and balls. The worst kind of offense. It’s not that apologizing in and of itself is evil, simply that it has been hijacked to make you a slave to what society wants. There are some things you should never apologize for. Namely your heritage, your masculinity, and your personal desires.

Your Heritage

I don’t give a damn who you are, you should be proud of your ancestors and your heritage. You should honor them and strive to further their legacy. A male who hates on his ancestors is disgusting. Especially when it’s to appease those that hate him. Like I said before weakness has no part in a man’s life. Never apologize for your ancestors and for your blood. You blood is a part of you just like your balls are. You must embrace every part of yourself. This includes your ancestry. Society benefits from a man being separated from his bloodline and heritage as it makes him easier to marginalize and manipulate.

Be proud of who you are. You are who you are for a reason. Never let anyone, and I mean anyone convince you to be ashamed of your ancestry and heritage. Never apologize for your ancestors. Make them proud. Don’t let others shame or guilt you into surrendering your balls. Stand strong and be a man. Be proud of your heritage. In others word be unapologetic for your heritage.

Your Masculinity

Another thing that society will try to shame you for is being a man. It has all but been made illegal to have balls in Western society. The media, government, schools, and just about everything else constantly harps on how evil/bad/awful masculinity is and men are. Nearly every problem is blamed on men. Women are given the go ahead to do as they please while men and masculinity are opposed at every turn. Put simply modern society hates masculinity. The reason being men (meaning masculine men) are the only ones who can throw a monkey wrench into the whole corrupt system bringing it crashing down and ushering in a new age of freedom, but that’s a topic for another time.

A man who embraces his masculinity is a rare find a man who embraces his masculinity and makes no apologies for is the rarest of finds. Be a man like this. When someone tries to shame you for your masculinity tell them either to fuck off or shrug your shoulders. The point is you aren’t changing for anyone especially for some punk who wants to drink the same cool aid that they are. A male who won’t bend to the will of others will stand out in the best way possible. Because he will be a man.

Your Desires

“You don’t want to get married?”, “You like young girls?”, “You think woman should submit to men?” I’ve heard all of these said before generally in very accusatory tones yet never have I apologized for one view that I hold (and never will I). When I held the frame those that shot these accusatory words generally left with smiles on their faces. Because like I said before they encountered one of the rarest creatures in Western civilization, a man. Never apologize for your desires or let others convince you that your desires are wrong. You’re a man hold the frame and be unapologetic.

You see when you don’t give in to the reality of others but stay true to your own, you do a couple of very important things. One you establish yourself as the dominant reality (as you always should), two you show that you have balls (which women love and men respect), and three you show that you stand by your convictions. Put simply you don’t change for others and you unapologetic for who you are.


Being unapologetic is a key tenet of masculinity and one you should embody in all that you do. Take a unapologetic attitude toward life and fully embrace who and what you are. That includes your heritage, your masculinity, and your desires. Don’t let society or others change you from your path. Be who you are, be a man. Unapologetically, fully a man.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge


  1. do you think Japan, and most other Asian countries, have suffered the biggest loss of masculinity, even more so than the USA?

    • You know it’s hard to say. I don’t know enough about Asian countries to make that judgement but from what I’ve heard from Japan it’s pretty bad, worse than American perhaps (if that’s possible).

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