We live in interesting times to say the least. In some ways this is the best of times and in other ways this is the worst of times. From a purely physical standpoint we live in the best of times. Very few people living in the Western world have any worries of food, water, or shelter. We’re not worried about a pack of wild dogs dragging away our wives and children during the night or problems such as this.
Mentally this is a great time to live in as well, well in a way at least. Never have we had more access to more information. You have at your fingertips access to more (but not necessarily deeper) knowledge than was contained in the library of Alexandria. Yet there is also a proliferation of complete B.S. as well. So there’s widespread pseudo-knowledge combined with access to great knowledge for the few that are discerning or can learn to be.
However spiritually we live in the worst of times and this is where so many issues come from. By spiritually I do not mean a moral sense (though depending on what type of morality you’re talking about they could be related) but rather something far deeper than moralism. Many people have a “crisis of the spirit” in modern times and most just dull this with porn, weed, work, and other such things.
A Crisis Of The Spirit
Which brings us to not feeling fulfilled. There are many males in Western society who while they have many things in life (or do not) still don’t feel fulfilled. They feel like if they were to die today they’d feel like the fire died still inside them having never expressed itself. These men may have slept with lots of women, made tons of money, and had “success” at least from a materialist society’s standpoint and yet still don’t feel fulfilled.
Or maybe they haven’t done any of these things and don’t feel fulfilled and know that those things alone would not and will not fulfill them. Maybe you’re one of these men and are wondering what to do about it. Talking to others they have most likely suggest something along the lines of either see a psychologist (appropriate for those with mental issues of course) or pick up a hobby. However for many this is not going to be the right approach or addressing the core issue.
Now you may think my “prescription” (this is not medical advice!) is going to be something that is completely spiritual like go into the woods and meditate or something of that nature but that’s not quite it. The worldly things we talked about above (wealth, women, career) have a role to play in feeling fulfilled. I think it’s just as foolish to completely focus on those aspects as if their the only things that matter as it is to pretend like those things don’t add one’s life.
Let’s Get Too It, Charles
Alright I know I’ve been “dancing around” enough but thought they previous explanations are important. The reason someone is or is not fulfilled is because they are either living to their full potential or not. When you are making the most of everything you have and on your way to maximizing your potential in ALL facets of your life you’ll feel fulfilled.
Likewise when you’re not living up to your full potential you’ll feel unfulfilled. This is why increasing your knowledge can often lead to depression and negative ways of thinking if you do not also act on it. Ignorance is sometimes bliss (but not really). Now the identification of the problem is the easy part what about the solving of the problem through action?
When it comes to that I can offer general advice but obviously can’t take you all the way there. The reason I can’t take you all the way there is because we all have a unique fire (or song if you prefer) in our souls that only we know. We all have our own mission and the expression of the unique mission is something you’ll have to figure out for yourself. However there are some commonalities that are going to be present across pretty much all men.
What To Do About Not Feeling Fulfilled
The first thing is to remove numbing influences from your life. It may hurt but clear sighted pain is better than dulled numbness, trust me on this. I recommend removing numbing influences whether it’s playing video games to excess, mindlessly surfing social media, mindlessly watching TV, smoking weed, masturbation, watching porn, drinking, or any of the myriad of other ways we numb ourselves to our souls.
But it’s not enough to just get rid of bad things we must replace the with good things or we’ll be right back where we started eventually. Now what the good things are will vary for you but I recommend a couple things across the board. First off do physical training of some sort. Whether that’s lifting rocks in the woods while hiking, doing a martial art, or going to the gym I really don’t care but do what works for you.
Second I recommend you start reading non-fiction (nothing wrong with fiction especially if it’s good but the majority of your reading should be non-fiction). Pick books on things that interest you and any “weak points” that you have. And thirdly I recommend getting plugged into a group of men and taking time to spend time with them. Could be through martial arts, hitting up old friends, or building an organized tribe or “gang”. Just hang out with a group of men who aren’t losers (easier said than done I know).
And this is just the groundwork. What else you’ll need to do is figure out where your potential lies and what your soul is crying out for you to do. Where are you being led? I know this might sound a little “follow your bliss-ish” but there is power behind it. What were your dreams before the world beat you down? Was it to sing, fight, inspire? Whatever it is think about what you’d have to do to make it come true. And then act on it.
If you’re part of the membership remember you have direct access to me and this is something I’d recommend we go in depth about. Shoot me an email and we’ll work out what you need to do and where you need to go with this to truly feel fulfilled.
If you have any questions you would like to see answered in a future post send them to me at charlessledge001 (at) gmail (dot) com. If you found value in this post then I would encourage you to share this site with someone who may need it as well as check out my books here. I appreciate it.