The 2 Quickest Ways To Make Six Figures Fast…Even If You Have No Marketable Skills Or Connections

It blows me away how often I’m asked questions about “how to get girls” and yet how little (at least comparatively) I’m asked questions about “how to get money”. Talk about jacked up priorities. While I am not so foolish as to think like a materialist that money is the end all be all at the same time money is critically important because money is the fuel to your freedom. In our modern world it is not survival skills that allows us to live but rather how much money we can make and then what we can do with that money.

Money provides freedom and thereby is extremely important for any man seeking to live a free and masculine life. Money gives you agency, movement, and leverage. Things that are critical for living the life that you want. And yet money is often seen as something that is for a select few such as doctors, lawyers, athletes, and the like. Something that is beyond the reach of the “average” person. But this just isn’t true.

With hard work and the right knowledge the “average” person can make six figures a year and do so in a matter of a year or two. I put average in quotes because in truth the “average” person would never work hard to learn something or improve themselves by average rather I mean average in mental faculties and physical abilities.

Six Figures With No Skills Or Connections? For Real?

So here I’m going to lay out two paths (one I’ve taken and one I’ve lead others on to great results) that are in my opinion the two quickest (as well as most efficient and effective) ways to six figures for someone who doesn’t have any marketable skills or connections. Now obviously this path requires you acquiring some marketable skills but they are skills that anyone who can read and write and emphasize at least somewhat can pick up on.

And this of course isn’t to say that you shouldn’t acquire more marketable skills or make connections. Obviously both of those things will help tremendously and certainly should be done. Rather what I mean is that the six figures is not predacated on having those things in place. Meaning you don’t need a Havard MBA or a rich daddy. Just your wits and a IQ that’s at least room temperature (if that).

The First Way To Six Figures With No Marketable Skills Or Connections

Alright so let’s talk about the first way to make six figures quickly even if you have no current marketable skills and/or connections. And that would be copywriting, something that I’ve talked about quite a bit and something that I’ve used for great success. Now obviously the first thing that you need to do to make six figures copywriting is have some somewhat decent copywriting skills. You don’t have to be world class by any means but you do have to be somewhat above average.

The easiest way to do this is two fold (at the start). First get some good copywriting books The Ultimate Sales Letter by Dan Kennedy, Copywriting 101 by yours truly, Scientific Advertising by Hopkins, How To Write A Good Advertisement by Schwab should do you fine. Then each and every day go find an old sales letter or advertisement and start writing it out by hand. Everything from the size of the font to the placement of the pictures, try to copy everything exactly as you can.

Next start applying for jobs on freelance sites like Upwork. You want to eventually transition off those sites as they take a hunk of change from you but they’re a great place to get started, get some clients, get your feet wet, and start building copy skills as well as more importantly client relationships. After you’ve done a couple jobs for a client you can start talking about working off the freelance site. Rinse and repeat. Sounds simple and it is simple but that doesn’t mean it’s easy.

The Second Way To Six Figures With No Marketable Skills Or Connections

If I wasn’t a copywriting I know exactly what I’d do to bring in an influx of cash. And no it would not be run an online business, dropship, get into e-commerce, write e or kindle books, or anything of that nature. It would be to get into car sales (or RV or boat or anything that offers a high priced item on commission). I’ve talked a lot about sales and this is because it’s a crucial skills to have for making money and life.

Like copywriting there will be a learning curve but one that can be quickly overcame with focused hard work and some reading. I’d recommend picking up The Secret Of Closing The Sale by Zig Ziglar, Sales 101 by yours truly, Sell Or Be Sold by Grant Cardone, The Closer’s Survival Guide by Grant Cardone, How To Sell Anything To Anyone by Joe Girard are great to get you started.

Now the “tricky” part here is getting a job somewhere with no prior experience. Say you’ll work without a salary or for lower commission for a set period of time. Be bold and straight forward. Confidence works wonders when it comes to getting a job. The point is to get your foot in the door and you out on the showroom floor (or whatever the equivalent is).

How Long To Six Figures?

Well that really depends on you as well as the location that you’re at. For example say you get in a nice dealership in Naples, Florida versus working a car lot in Corn Town, Iowa. Or say you land some up and coming tech company as a copywriting client compared to working for small start ups. And so on and so forth. You won’t know until you try. All I know is as far as I’ve seen these are the two more realistic quickest ways to six figures.

Now there are some issues here. For example this not passive income and you are trading your dollars for time (albeit at a very high amount). However with the cash flow that you have you can start investing in others things that will free your money from your time and start to give you freedom. For example real estate or funding businesses are two options there.

This will get you started in the right track and hopefully give you some ideas of what is possible.

If you have any questions you would like to see answered in a future post send them to me at charlessledge001 (at) gmail (dot) com. If you found value in this post then I would encourage you to share this site with someone who may need it as well as check out my books here. I appreciate it.

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge