Why You Need To Beware The Advice Of Others

So at first glance this probably seems like a weird topic to cover considering that my entire website is dedicated to just that, giving you advice. But this is an important topic that I haven’t really addressed before and can cause you all sorts of problems down the road. Also I’m going to explain why 99% of people should absolutely under no circumstances be listened to.

Living life without advice would be like trying to build a car from scratch, it just isn’t going to work very well. Other people have gone before us in life and they have left plenty of clues to both success and failure in the various endeavors of life. Advice is something that is needed to fully function and make the most out of life and can be extremely valuable when coming from wise people.

However at the same time advice is something that most people either feel qualified or obligated to give. Unlike say brain surgery which very few (I hope) would feel that they could do well. Because of this advice is often just thrown out like an opinion. An like most opinions it’s going to end up being of very little worth (at best) or lead you completely astray (more likely).

These 3 Things Are True Of Most People

Now why is this? And how does one distinguish between advice that’s worth anything and advice that’s not? I think the first thing to understand is that most people are three things and these three things are going to make their advice pretty much useless for you or me. Most people are stupid, shallow, and weak. Now this isn’t to say that I’m never these three things or that I’m so great or anything like that. This is simply to state that this is the average state of man.

And because of this if you’re anyone who wants to do anything with their life, the advice of the shallow, stupid, and/or weak are not going to do you much good. This isn’t to pretend to be better than others or anything like that, this isn’t about being high and mighty this is about screening for those who are worth getting advice from. Like many a wise man has said if you want to have success learn what the masses do…and then do the exact opposite.

Mediocre advice will give you mediocre results. You need to be able to screen and sort who you get advice from. It’s like I said in my What People Mean When They Say You Can’t article (worth a read) most people when they say you can’t do something are actually saying “I can’t/couldn’t do this/that thing you speak of therefore you can’t do it, if only because it’d make me feel bad about myself and the protection of my ego is more important than your wellbeing and life development.”

How To Screen For Advice

Real recognizes real and the wise recognize the wise, at least generally. Now at first this isn’t going to help you much and we all have to get bumped, bruised, and burned a little bit along the way to have our eyes opened to seeing. But there are other ways as well. One is going to be internal and takes some time to develop. As you live through life you eventually start to sort out what’s true, what’s true for you vs others, and what’s B.S.

Just because something is true for one person does not mean it’ll be true for you. There’s a sort of “detector” in your guy that’ll help lead you with this, again it takes time to develop but it’s one of the surest things that you can count on. Another is does this person have the results that you want (not as reliable as you’d think though) as well as is this person similar to me?

For example say you want business advice and there’s one guy who’s a millionaire and another who’s making about 80k a year from his own business he started. But the millionaire works at daddy’s company and was given a good spot in it while the entrepreneur started from scratch and made his way up. Which one is going to have better advice? Just because someone has the results doesn’t mean they’ll necessarily have useful advice for you.

Beware The Average

And the advice that they give, unless of course that’s what you want out of life. But if that’s what you wanted, you wouldn’t be here and you wouldn’t be working to develop yourself. Most people give shit advice that isn’t going to do you any good. Be sure to screen and not take the advice of the average person. Not if you want greatness that is.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge