This is a guest post by Ronan of Breaking Grips a site dedicated to all things Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu. I just started BJJ a little bit ago and highly recommend it as a great grappling art (along with wrestling). Here Ronan talks about how combat sports are the ultimate confidence builder for males of all ages. Enjoy.
Parents often sign kids up for combat sports in the hope that they will learn skills to defend themselves in the event of being physically bullied. While this idea is valid, it is usually not the self-defense skills that end up keeping the kid safe. Instead it is the self confidence that children develop through combat sports that ensures that they avoid physical confrontation.
Bullies typically tend to pick on kids who they perceive to be weaker than them. This weakness is not always physical. Kids who do combat sports will develop a confidence in their ability to defend themselves along with a general confidence that makes them less of a target.
This general confidence is not completely unique to combat sports but is definitely more visible. Kids who are good at combat sports have less to worry about and have a kind of aura around them. This is not to be confused with arrogance as humility and respect is a cornerstone of nearly every martial art and combat sport.
A Learning Mindset
You don’t have to be a kid to begin a new combat sport as a way of building confidence. Boxing, muay thai, and Jiu-Jitsu gyms will usually have beginner friendly classes suitable for all ages. In my own Brazilin Jiu-Jitsu gym the average age is about 35.
Since I have begun training, I have met many different guys from all walks of life. One thing I have noticed is that the quieter guys who stick with it tend to undergo a kind of transformation. As they progress in the school they will slowly come out of their shell and begin to express themselves more confidently.
A big part of the development in combat sports is overcoming adversity. When you start out you will be physically weak and lack the technique required to dominate an opponent. However as you progress you will slowly learn how to be comfortable in uncomfortable situations and work out a way to win. This is a lifelong lesson that is very useful in other parts of life. The cliché ‘Win or Learn’ is actually very true in combat sports. The learning mindset that you can develop through martial arts will give you the confidence to overcome adversity in many other parts of your life.
Physical Fitness & Confidence
Combat sports provide a great cardiovascular workout. The classes are usually made up of a mixture of sparring, drilling, and conditioning. After a number of weeks training you will notice fitness levels rising and a reduction in body fat.
As your physical fitness rises you will also notice an increase in the amount of energy you have. As you witness the changes in your body you will slowly start to notice an improvement in your general confidence.
Part Of A Team
Although combat sports are usually seen as a single person sport the opposite is true. In combat sport gyms there is a special type of fraternity that is developed through hard training and sparring. This training forms different type of bond than the one you do through basketball, soccer, and other sports. The feeling of being part of a team and a family is amazing and is the ultimate confidence booster