I want to take some time to talk about one of the most important topics that you’ll ever study and that is finding good people. I’ve already spent lots of ink (or pixels) on why finding a community, or tribe to use the manosphere lingo, is important. Man was not made to be alone and an atomized individual can easily be exploited, controlled, and even destroyed. Its through communities that mankind finds shelter from the outside world and other forces. The weakest community versus the strongest individual and the weakest community still wins that nine out of ten times.
However this raises another problem. Even if you understand that community/tribe/wolf pack whatever is important it’s a whole other matter finding people who are worthwhile to be in a community with. Most people aren’t that great, that’s just a fact of life. It’s always been this way but modern modes of living make this even worse. Finding someone who’d you actually want in a tribe with you is no easy task. Most people are parasites plain and simple. Or even if they’re not, they’re still not people you want to be around.
People are by their nature not so great. So how do you find the needle in the haystack, the person worthwhile to be a friend or community member and then go out and repeat that again and again and again. That’s what I’m going to try to lay out how to do in this essay here. Write some places to find good people and communities to join to get what you want out of life. I should note that these will change depending on if one has a family or is alone for the time being.
I should also point out that I think this will be one of the most important pieces that I write, so let’s get started.
A Place For Men To Find Good Men
Let’s start with an individual as this place can work for both family men and those that are alone. A man who’s life doesn’t involve some form of physicals activity is a man who’s not leading a full life. That might seem like a broad and maybe exaggerated statement but it’s not. Man was meant to be in motion and when he’s not then bad things happen. But that’s a topic for another time. So let’s look at places of physical activity and finding people there.
The first natural choice would be the gym and while this might be better then say the bar, I don’t think it’s that great of choice. To me lifting weights is a low form of physical activity and teaches men little. Look at a gym and it’s a great amount of males pursuing vanity to look good in pictures. Essentially males acting like women. Or the pursuit of strength that has little translation to the real world. Don’t get me wrong the gym can be great and you can find good people, especially if it’s a more “hardcore” gym, whatever the hell that means. But weight lifting gyms are not the best place in my opinion.
I’m obvious biased but I’d say either places of combat sport or that involve the outdoors are far better options. Whether it’s a hunting club or MMA gym. I’ll speak more on the combat sports as I have more experience with it. With combat sports you’re trying yourself against a live human opponent, one with a mind and a will, not an inert piece of iron. Which brings in intelligence and cunning. Also combat sports screens out the gymbros and wannabe tough guys. It breaks the ego while growing the confidence unlike say the gym or team sports. Don’t get me wrong you can get assholes for sure but at a much lower rate than other places.
Place For Man To Find Community And/Or A Wife
I think religion is your best bet for this. But not modernized bastardized forms of religion but the real thing. Now no church or religion is perfect and you’ll always have those that profess one thing but live another. However when looking for a good place to get plugged into either because you have a family and want them around good influences and like minded peers or because you’re looking for a woman that’d make a good wife I think traditionaally minded churches/religious places are your best bet. The emphasis placed on tradition.
Go to a modern church and it’s no different than looking for a wife at a nightclub or brothel, they’re all the same. Look for more traditionally minded places that actually take the religious stuff seriously. It might be Islam, Mormon, or something outside of the “normal” box, but look for places that are legitimate about things, but only do this is you’re legitimate as well. If you want a good wife but you’re trying to bang club sluts every other day then just forget it.
These places can be strict so find the one that’s right for you. Trust me putting away the booze or giving up the clubs is worth finding good people to be around. Most aren’t prepared to take this step but I’d be lying by omission if I didn’t list it. Traditionally minded religions do a lot of good, which is why they’re hated on so much. More and more they’re the only place to find marriageable women and good community. And yes I understand that they don’t all practice what they preach. No kidding, what I’m talking about here is likelihood of finding good people.
No Where Is Perfect
No one place is going to be perfect or going to be able to provide you with all of your needs. You’re going to have to mix and match somewhat. And always keep your eyes open. Something else you’ll want to do is seek out communities that are already put together. Maybe it’s an entrepreneur community that you go to events, maybe it’s a birdwatching thing, I don’t know just get out there around like minded people. And NO online communities do not count in any way, shape, or form. You need real people in real life, like flesh and blood, could reach out and touch them people.
Online is no substitute. Please understand that. Communities are flesh and blood people who meet in the real world. There is no such thing as an online community if we’re being honest. Even if you meet up once a year in person or something like that. Now if you meet weekly or something that’s a bit different, but then it’s not really an “online” community is it? Point being, online is no substitute for face to face interactions. Always be on the lookout. Look at things you do and look for others on the same path.
Are you homeschooling? Then look for homeschooler groups. Are you a big camper? Then look for camping groups. And so on and so forth. Build community, it’s one of the most important assets that you can have. Find good people and treasure them as they should be treasured. Make the effort to reach out and to organize things. Become a leader in this field just as you would in any other. Be social even if you don’t want to be, because there are consequences for not. We’re social animals and we need flesh and blood others. Understand this and always keep your eye open for good people.
If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!
-Charles Sledge
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