What Is The Source Of What Is Good & Right & Why Is This Important For Man?

We all need something to lead us, to guide and direct us. And the fact of the matter is that there is always something leading and guiding us whether we’re conscious of it or not. For those that say nothing guides them then it’s usually some combination of base instinct, the media, and modern culture that guides and shapes them. And those three are about a poor of guide as you can get in this life.

That is the path that leads to destruction, the wide path that most are taking. We all need guidance, we all need help with navigating the paths that are ahead of us. To figure out which is good and bad, which is right and wrong, which is true and which is false, and above all of that why this is so. Why one thing is right, noble, and good and another is wrong, base, and wrong.

Where do these standards come from? The standards the inform us and where we go? Many people get these from a variety of sources some better on average, some worse. However what we need to do is find the basis, find the foundation for these things. For example what makes strength better than weakness? Wisdom better than foolishness? Nobleness better than baseness? And so on and so forth.

The Foundation From Which All Virtue & Vice Springs

I want to go beyond “morality” or rather maybe instead of going “beyond” morality we’re going to the true definition of morality, of what is good and what is base. Also before we go further understand that when I say I say virtue and vice I don’t mean virtue and vice by the what the world defines as virtue and vice which may or may not line up with this deeper and truer aspect we’re about to discuss.

Now for me the foundation of all things comes from what I call the Primal/Cosmic order which is the order that what we call God laid at the foundation of things. Its the order by which we are measured and which we be eternally placed. It is an order that was set at the beginning and will be forever more. It is the eternal and never changing order of how reality, and perhaps beyond reality, works.

Now maybe you have problem with some of this and that’s fine. So long as you understand the underlying premise, the foundational primal/cosmic order that informs what is good and what is not, what is noble and what is base, what is true and what is false. And I mean these in the primal/cosmic sense not in the legalistic/”moral” sense. Which can be and often are two different things. Even opposites at times.

But How Can Man Divine This Order?

There are a few different ways. The first is to have a soul, a well developed soul. Which is beyond this discussion here. The next is to look for the clues that are left through all of creation, all of existence. For example I can say that the primal/cosmic order and therefore God values both strength and wisdom and declares them good. How can I say this? Because when you look at both life and nature it shows this to be true. Look at things without the interference of perverted man or devils masquerading as man and you’ll see this is true.

Nature and the cosmos venerate strength, beauty, nobility, and wisdom. Whereas the corrupted modern world venerates weakness, foolishness, ugliness, and perversion. The antithesis of the primal/cosmic order that was laid down at the foundation. I’ll admit that a lot of understanding this comes through time and searching. Because all that have eyes do not see and all those that have ears do not hear.

Most will always be blind, deaf, and dumb to this order. They’ll never see it, much less understand it or its importance. But nevertheless it is there. It is there and always will be and one day when we go into Valhalla or wherever, we will be judged by it. Most of those who have souls feel an inkling of this somewhere deep in their hearts, they just need to follow that to discover something more. Something greater.

The Primal Cosmic Order

Is the order by which man and all of creation is judged. Live closer to this order and you might be hated more but you’ll have a better life, you’ll be more developed as a man, as a being with a soul. Go from this order and things will turn to chaos and you will destroyed even as the world embraces you with open arms, for it and those that control in delight in the destruction of those with souls. So when you want to know what is good, what is true, and what is noble look to the primal cosmic order.

It’s not easy to see, even harder to understand, and even harder to divine. But it is worth it. Don’t become deaf and blind to it because it’s the foundation upon which all truly good things rest. The order that was set up from the foundation as a guide. Without this order you will be tossed and eventually sunk of the seas of this life. With this order it can be a North Star that’ll see you through to your destination.

Never underestimate its importance.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge