The Wall Going Up

I’m very excited for the membership site (and not just because I’ll be able to continue this site and make more money). I’m all for closing the gates and becoming an insulated community keeping out the riff raff and crazies. To be able to really drill down deep, share stories, and become a place for men to reclaim their freedom and live the lives their creator made them to live.

To become an online tribe and foster development and community to whatever extent is possible. I look forward to writing more personal posts for you in addition to the many how to and “why” posts that I will of course continue to write. To get to know you on a deeper level within the confines of the wall.

I want this site to serve as a sort of fire/community/gathering place/walled off city in the wilderness where men can be men and build themselves into the men that will usher in the Age Of Heroes breaking the bonds of the Iron Age. The create the new Achilles and Odysseus’s of this world. To forge men who are strong, wise, masculine, fearless, and good (in the Godly master morality sense not the worldly slave moral sense).

The Walls Will Be Up Tomorrow

I plan on having everything up by tomorrow (Thursday). Hopefully everything will go as planned as I’ve seemed to worked out what I need to in regards to the software. I’ve created a page titled How The Membership Works for those that are curious.

If you have any questions you can comment here or reach me at For those that do not sign up you’ll have access to three articles a month but depending on a couple of factors I may decide to make everything closed off for members only eventually.

Regardless I want to thank you for your support and look forward to growing and building together. I plan on going even deeper and sharing more than I have before leading to everyone who is part of this site standing head and shoulders above all others and getting everything that they want out of life.

Here’s to making 2019 the best year yet for you!

Charles Sledge