The Sin That Could Kill You

I know a lot of people don’t like the word “sin” it conjures up images of lectures and hypocritical people pointing down at you from their high horses. It’s associated with unhealthy shame and has a history of being abused by those in power. Which is a damn shame because the word has a lot of power to it. The dictionary definition is that sin is “an immoral act considered to be a transgression against moral law.” and while closer to what I’m getting at, not the exact definition I’d use.

When I say sin what I’m say is error, wrongness, unabalance, inaccuracy, something that works against you, closer to the original meaning. It’s not a term of condemnation for things you don’t like, it’s a statement of fact. So when I say sin, it’s wrongness and error. It could wrongness and error in the way someone lives, the way someone thinks, or the way someone is. It’s something that’ll cause or lead to problems for them, unless luck or chance intervenes or they’re sheltered by something else.

Which is something none of us can count on. So by this example being obese would be a “sin” in that it’s an error. It’s not how the body was meant to be. I don’t say this out of condemnation or hatred, just as a statement of fact. The body shuts down under these conditions, under this error. It’s no different then when a child wants to touch the stove and you tell him its hot. You’re not doing this out of hatred, condemnation, or self-righteousness. All you’re doing is simply stating a fact, that’s what I’m getting at here.

The Limit Of Mass Religion & True Sin

Even if you aren’t religious yourself I think we can all see the benefits of a religion to a human society. Religion works in many different ways to advance and benefit the society its part of. One there’s social cohesion when people all believe in the same God/gods it fosters a bond and community. Two it gives people a set of rules to follow and a reward for doing so. Now the average person who could never hope to understand something like doing the right thing just because, will do the right thing for the reward in the afterlife. It’s a lie, but in some ways its a benevolent one.

Not that I think it’s needed or necessarily good but I think from a detached standpoint we can at least see the utility of it. But anyways these sorts of religions generally focus on “moral” laws and sins. Don’t do this, do do this. Some are quite wise, others seem completely arbitrary. For example I think we can all agree don’t murder is a good thing to have in a tribe, same with don’t steal, don’t commit adultery, and all of that. We understand how that helps things flow and civilizations blossom. Whereas don’t eat meat on Friday is a little more arbitrary.

However in all of these proclamations there are things that are forgotten. They are forgotten because they don’t in the religions goals. The religions goals are control and power, as well as social unity and safety. The first generally being primary of the latter. So any “sin” or error that doesn’t address expanding control they generally don’t care about. You likely won’t here a religious leader, unless they’re selling something beyond their religion, talk about the errors of obesity or things of that nature. But an error is an error and a sin is a sin.

The Sin That Is Forgotten

Which brings me to the forgotten sin. One that can be one hundred fold worse than lust, pride, greed, and all the rest we so often hear about. And that is the sin of stupidity. Now I don’t mean stupidity like how it’s commonly portrayed in the media, the master of lies. I don’t mean stupid meaning not having higher education credentials, not speaking using big words, or putting on airs. No someone could have dropped out of high school, speak “improper” English, and dress in sweatpants and a wifebeater and still be sharp and smart. Matter of fact they’ll likely be smart then the college education proper English person. Not by stupidity I mean it in its dictionary definition “behavior that shows a lack of good sense or judgement.”

We’re talking about sin, and sin is something that is an error and errors cause discomfort, pain, suffering, and even death and/or destruction. That’s not to say that all pain, suffering, and discomfort comes from sin or is bad. But a whole lot of it does and when one lives free of these “sins” they don’t suffer nearly as much. To me not thinking, not having that sharpness of mind is just as bad as having an obese body or even a corrupted spirit. It’s just as likely to lead to pain, suffering, or even death. Another way of putting this is that so much pain, suffering, and destruction could be prevented if people just took the time think.

Critical thinking or a sharp mind is needed just as much in this world as a strong will and a healthy body. People may hate the lustful or the prideful but may feel sympathy for the stupid, when they should feel that same disgust. I don’t mean people who have lower intelligence or people who are born with defects, that’s not what I mean at all and the wrong interpretation to take away from this. What I mean is those who could think but choose not to. Which could also be a sign of laziness.

It’s Hard Work, But The Suffering Is Worse

People would rather do anything than think. Believe it or not but thinking is some of the hardest work that there is. People will work long hours, they’ll dig trenches, shovel shit, put in the 80th hour of mindless paperwork, but ask them to think for even a minute and they’re running for the hills. Like I said it’s hard, often unpleasant work. Not just the work itself but the insights that one comes to. That might be half the reason people don’t like to think. But the suffering that comes from not thinking is even worse. So think.

Use your brain. Think about things, do the hard work that’s needed to have a sharp mind. If you want a start read and write. Might seem simply but it’ll get your mind in shape like wrestling or boxing would do for your body. Matter of fact there’s probably more similarities there than one. You might ask read and write what? Well I’d say a mix. Fiction and nonfiction. Books on what interests you, things you’ve always wondered about. Same with writing, write whatever you feel. Maybe a journal, maybe your thoughts on a topic, it doesn’t matter so long as you’re writing something.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge