The Secret Key To Living The Life You’ve Always Wanted Once & For All

There are many people out there who are NOT living the life that they want in a myriad of different ways. Maybe they’re not making the money that they want, not having the relationships they want, the health that they want, or simply do not feel fulfilled inside. I would say this makes up probably 99% of the population or so, at least in the Western world.

Most likely those living in tribal societies are pretty content with their lot. This isn’t to say that they’re “superior” as many would claim, simply a statement of fact. And after all human nature is human nature. But anyways it follows why are so many people living lives that they don’t enjoy and don’t necessarily want to (were they given the choice to change).

Part of it is that people always want more, true, and another part of it is life isn’t all candy and roses (again true) but it’s about more than just that. Now this is a topic that I could write an entire book about (but have no desire to) so what I’m going to do is take one small part of it and break it down.

Knowledge Isn’t Everything

Many, many people live lives that they don’t want because they don’t have the knowledge to do anything different. Sort of like people would still be riding carriages if knowledge of engines had not been “discovered” yet and so on and so forth. But it’s not knowledge alone that keeps people from living the life that they want.

For example the “red pill” (don’t like that term but you get the gist) has spread a lot of knowledge for guys to live the life they’ve wanted. This site alone will teach you how you to the girl(s) you want, make the money you want, get in the shape you want, and a whole lot more. But just because you have knowledge of all of those things doesn’t mean you’ll have what you need.

After all it seems that a large part of what the “red pill” has done is create a class of whiny victims that blame others for their problems and issues. It has created victims out of those that didn’t have an ideology to tell them they were victims before. So many have the knowledge but want to play the victim and throw pity parties for themselves. And because of this they’ll never live the life that they want.

It’s Right In Front Of You

The could get over the blows they were dealt in life and be all the better for it. But instead they stew around in whining and crying, always to be the victim and never the victor. Hence they never get the life that they want. They’d rather wait for eternity for someone to come by and validate their victim status, pat them on the head, and tell then “It’s not your fault” and other sweet lies.

However what they should have been doing since the beginning (even before having the knowledge) is taking responsibility for everything that has happened to them in their lives. When you take responsibility you also take control, something that many have forgotten.

Taking responsibility for your results in life and everything in your life is the key to living the life you’ve always wanted once and for all.

If you have any questions you would like to see answered in a future post send them to me at charlessledge001 (at) gmail (dot) com. If you found value in this post then I would encourage you to share this site with someone who may need it as well as check out my books here. I appreciate it.

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge