The Only 25 Self-Improvement Books That A Man Needs To Read Part 1

There’s a ton of books out there and there are a select few that can truly make a life changing difference in your life depending on where you’re at. However most of the books out there are derivative of others, especially in the age of self-publishing. Meaning take ten books and two of them will be original and good and eight of them will be second rate rehashings of what was talked about in the first two books.

Which is why book recommendations are so valuable. They save you time and effort. They cut away all the chaff and leave you with the gold, yeah I mixed analogies but you get the point. So that’s what I want to do for you here today and I want to do it for a couple of different topics. We’ll cover masculinity, mindset, wealth, attraction, and another general one. Addressing most of the major facets of a man’s life.

Why I’m Not Including My Own Books

Now this is the point where most authors cram in their own books in the list somewhere and say “Well hey it’s my book and it’s good so it’s on the list.” I’m not going to do that, for a couple of reasons. First and foremost, understand that obviously I think you should read all my books, that’s why I wrote them and all of my books build off of and complement the books that I’m going to outline here.

So it goes without saying all of my books would be on the list but since that’s a given I want to give you five others from each category as well.

Not The End Of An Education, But The Beginning

One other thing wanted to address. Even though the title says the “only” 25 books on self-improvement you’ll ever want to read that’s not entirely true. It should say the only 25 books on self-improvement you’ll have to read, including the rest of Charles Sledge’s in order to have your bases covered, but as you can see that’s not a very catchy headline. So we have the one above.

Regardless like with most of my articles I want this to be the start of something, the beginning of an education not the end. This should spurn you on to read and understand more. Especially in sections like the wealth section where you could read hundreds of books and still be learning about it. And remember to not just learn but take action on what you learn.

Now let’s get to it.

Top 5 Books On Mindset Improvement

Mindset is kind of the “bottom level” when it comes to self-improvement, I don’t mean bottom level as in least important, if anything the opposite. I mean bottom level as in foundation. As in if you get everything else right but you mindset is still working against you then it’s not going to matter. I used to say mindset is everything, but it’s not. Yet at the same time mindset is incredibly important so let’s dive into it.

Mindset Book #1 – The Strangest Secret By Earl Nightingale

A very short book, they also have a narrated version for free on YouTube if you want to check that out. Yet despite it’s shortness and simplicity it’s really where everything else stems from. I’d say this is the foundational mindset and general self-improvement book that there is. It’ll help clear things up in your mind and understand the foundation of success. Understand the principles that it has inside, it’s worded very well and there’s not an extra word in the thing. Read it more than once, with time in-between. Really the foundation of everything else we’ll talk about.

Mindset Book #2 – As A Man Thinketh by James Allen

Another short and relatively simply one yet at the same time one that helps you understand the fundamental principle that sets up everything else. Like The Strangest Secret this is one that could be read in one sitting and that bears re-readings from time to time. It’s deceivingly simple at first, so simple you’ll probably roll your eyes but the more you internalize and learn from it the more success you’ll have in all your endeavors. It’s that powerful, pretty sure you can find this one for free places as well.

Mindset Book #3 – What To Say When You Talk To Yourself by Shad Helstetter

This one is the first “full length” and “modern” books and builds off of the ideas presented in the previous two. Here you’ll get concrete tips on how to change your mind and the importance of programming and what it can do to and for the human mind. Potentially a life changing book if you apply the principles within. Again at first it’s deceivingly simple but these principles can change your life if you’ll let them work for you. Get your self-talk right and watch so much in your life start to get right.

More To Come…

This is already getting long so we’ll stop there for now. I know halfway through the mindset section and the next two are real gems. Stick around and get the rest of the list. Remember we’ll be covering attraction meaning the dating and mating game, how to get girls and get the type of girls you want. Wealth, how to acquire money, how to make money, how to persuade people, how to get the job you want, and of course how to keep that money and make it grow after you get it.

We’ll be covering masculinity, what the path to manhood is and what actually makes one a man, we’ll finish up mindset with some books that have changed many lives and no, Tony Robbins isn’t on this list. And then we’ll end with some gold nugget books that didn’t quite fit into any one category but that are still potentially life changing and I would be remiss to not mention.

So stay tuned.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge