The Link Between Boozing & Erectile Dysfunction (Desmond Haynes)

This is a guest post from Desmond Haynes who loves to write about topics regarding health, lifestyle, and sexual health. In this article Desmond talks about the link between boozing and erectile dysfunction and some benefits of cutting out the booze. Enjoy.

Erectile dysfunction! You might be familiar with this term. Maybe you have experienced it or heard from a friend suffering from it. Before we move to what’s causing the problem in men, let’s have a brief introduction to it.

Erectile dysfunction, commonly known as ED or impotence, is the inability of guys for not getting hard-rock erections to have sex with their partners. It’s related to restricted blood flow in the penis.

Usually, ED is linked to the aging process. This is because as men age, the chances of occurrence of medical conditions that affect erections increase. Common erectile dysfunction causes include heart disease, diabetes, obesity, low testosterone, metabolic syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, drug abuse, and relationship problems.

But, during the last two or three decades, ED is on the rise among young men.

According to a study published in the Journal of Medicine in 2013, one in four men diagnosed with ED was under the age of 40.

What’s causing erection problems in young men?

One of the main erectile dysfunction causes in young guys is HEAVY DRINKING.

Read along to know how boozing affects erectile function in men.

ED and Boozing – what’s the connection?

Like many young men, you might love going to bars and nightclubs. Also, you might love enjoying drinks with your friends or colleagues. But, do you know that this habit of yours can make you struggle in the bedroom?

As per the Mayo Clinic, excessive alcohol is one of the major erectile dysfunction causes. As the amount of alcohol increases in the blood, it can reduce the ability of the brain to sense sexual stimulation.

Also, alcohol causes blood vessels to dilate, which affect the blood circulation to and from the genitals. If there’s not proper blood flow in the penis, it will remain flaccid.

The fact excessive drinking can lead to erectile dysfunction is backed by another study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine in 2009. It states that alcohol can result in dehydration, and increase angiotensin, a hormone linked to erectile dysfunction.

In addition to damaging the blood vessels, overconsumption of alcohol can also lead to hypertension and heart disease, which can contribute to ED, premature ejaculation and loss of libido.

Studies have shown that sober men obtain erections faster as compared to drunk guys. And, some regular drinkers can’t even get erections.

Thus, to avoid erection problems, you need to stop drinking alcohol right away. Even, doctors advice the patients getting erectile dysfunction treatment to quit drinking alcoholic beverages.

However, drinking in moderation may have no or negligible effect on the male erectile function.

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, moderate drinking is no more than 2 drinks a day (1 in case of women). Consuming more than this can make the system saturated and the high blood alcohol concentration can last for several hours, thus affecting you psychologically.

Experts say that moderate alcohol consumption is also good for heart health and sex life. According to a study published in the Journal Seminars in Vascular Medicine in 2004, drinking in moderation can lead to decreased cardiovascular mortality. And, the polyphenolic compounds were associated with increased fibrinolysis & nitric oxide, decreased coagulation, and inhibition of platelets.

Quick tips to cut down on drinking:

  • Set a goal—choose a limit. Let’s say 3 drinks in a day if you drink too much. And, gradually, reduce to one and so on.
  • Drink slowly—sip your drink slowly and try to take a 30-minute break between two drinks.
  • Avoid meeting your drinking pals—Ask your friends that you can’t be around for drinking alcohol only. However, if possible, avoid meeting them regularly.
  • Remember that lost time—Picture yourself from the date you started drinking alcohol. See, how much time and money you have lost to date?

So, what’s the bottom line? EXCESS OF EVERYTHING IS BAD. Drinking excessive alcohol is not cause ED, but can also lead to several other health problems. However, if you can’t quit drinking totally, choose moderate alcohol consumption.

If you want to drink just before sex, prefer exchanging the second drink with a glass of water. It will help to combat dehydration and flush the toxins out of the body. This way, you can minimize the chances of occurrence of impotence.

How many drinks do you have in a day? Should guys mix sex with alcohol? Leave your answers in the comment section below.

Charles Sledge