Stop Being Such A Damn Pussy

Life ain’t easy. You can either adjust to that fact or get run over by it. There is not a third option…there rarely is. Maybe you weren’t prepared to deal with the harsh realities of how the world works. Well…tough shit. Life isn’t going to change for you. The universe sure as hell isn’t going to make an exception for you. It’s up to you, it’s all on your to adjust to it because it isn’t going to budge one inch for you.

We live in a survive or die world. Organisms either adapt or they become extinct. Is that fair? Is that kind? Is the approved by the social hierarchy? Is that moral? Is that politically correct? None of that fucking matters because it is the one thing that does matter. It’s true. Nature and the world doesn’t give two shits about you. It’s not personal,it’s not business either, it’s nature.

Kill Or Get Killed

Many in the uh “red pill” community base their whole entire worldview off crying. Nature laughs at them. The wolf that wines signals to the world that it is weak and therefore worthy of death. Easy prey for the taking. It is the wolf with the low growl and the steady eye contact that the world looks twice at. I do not condone whining on this blog and it shouldn’t be condoned anywhere that men gather.

Here is the rule of the world. Kill or get killed, adapt or perish, sink or swim. You have to get this. Because reality does choose what time is best for you for it to reassert itself completely and without apology. Look I don’t care what you think there was someone who had it a hell of a lot harder than you and made it out the other side. If you fail it’s your own damn fault and no you will receive no sympathy from me.

Because to give you sympathy would be to cripple you. Rather I give you the option to take back your power. To reclaim your masculinity. To rise like a phoenix from the ashes. But you gotta want it. You have to have the grit, the steel to make it. Like my good friend Unabashed says “The hotter the fire the stronger the steel”. And here we only want the very best there is.

Break Free From The Herd

The red pill/manosphere is a herd. As much value as there is in it there comes a time to take wings and fly. To rise above any herd and be an eagle. And if you haven’t noticed eagles don’t flock. A sheep’s a sheep, no matter what it’s bleating. If it’s bleating “all men are rapists” or “all women are evil sluts” matters little. It’s still a dumb sheep fit only for the slaughter that inevitably comes for the sheep.

But that is not you. You want to be reborn, reforged into something greater than you could have ever been before. Stop being such a damn pussy. There are men who got bayoneted and shot yet still fought without complaining. I think you manage whatever the Western world throws your way. Life is hard…tough shit.

Seriously. What do you want me to say. “Aw it’s okay, those evil Feminists/whatever will get theirs”. Fuck that. Man up or perish that’s it. You’ve been thrown into the arena where there is no mercy and weakness is merciless routed out and destroyed. Adapt…that is the only choice. Adapt to your surroundings and fight. If you’re thrown in the den of lions you best be fiercer than the lions.

The Bitter Truth

This is the bitter truth. The bitter truth that no amount of crying or posts will change. Life is going to kick you in the nuts should it get a chance. You gotta hit that bitch back twice as hard. Or curl up and get stomped. For being the “man”osphere I’m sure seeing a lack of men. I think it’s about damn time we change that. It’s about time we rise back up and take claim of what’s around us. After all it’s not the whiny-little-bitchsphere (or maybe it is).

Don’t expect mercy from this earth for you will find none. Quit crying, quit whining, and quit being a little bitch. Man up, find your damn nutsack, and join in the reclamation. Reclaim your life. Reclaim your freedom. Reclaim your manhood. When faced with a problem a man either solves it or shuts up about it.

This is reality adapt or die.

Life isn’t fair.

Get over it.

And get moving.

And stop being such a damn pussy.

The world needs men, not whiny little bitches.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge


  1. Great post. This is one thing I see slowly creeping into the red pill communities. While a lot of their arguments are valid, whining about the problem does nothing. We need to brace ourselves, strengthen our resolve, and build our tribes in preparation for the cultural decay that’s coming our way.
    It’s going to get worse before it gets better. Words and reason won’t persuade the masses. They’re going to have to suffer the consequences of their actions before we can begin rebuilding.

    • Thanks for the comment Unabashed. Agree completely. Identification of the problem is only step one and crying is sure as hell not step two. Strengthen yourself for what is to come and you and yours will go through the fire and come out steel while the others around you burn as wood.

  2. you should make an article, well it’s your choice or not, about why us guys should feel lucky to be born male, be born a man(as in human male), because too many people say that us guys have it better than women do in life. While you never specifically said that either men or women have it better in life, you did say that women have it easier in life in which that life, society, is more lenient on men than it is on women, and society provides a bunch of safety nets for women while none for men.Women have a much easier time of it especially when it comes to taking responsibility for where they are in life. Even though most people will say we should just feel lucky to be alive in general. Meanwhile it seems life, society, reality, expects too damn much of us men

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