Some Thoughts & Tips On Becoming As Self-Sufficient As Possible

This isn’t meant to be a comprehensive guide to anything. Rather I just wanted to share some thoughts and tips with you about living your best life possible. More and more, especially in the Western world, and especially in the United States, the mainstream way of living and doing things is becoming more and more toxic, more and more dysgenic. And if you wish to have a healthy and happy family and be happy and healthy yourself you’re going to have to find a way to thrive in all of that.

There are certain things that you can do to offset the effects of the toxic and backwards, in the true sense of the word, culture that America/the West has been infecting the world with and make sure that it doesn’t metasisize in you or in your family. Now at first this might seem like exaggeration. You might think “Alright America has some annoying thing, but it’s better then the middle east (or wherever).” But I’d say you have to take a closer look at things. What happening in America/the West whether it’s the perversion, lack of respect, unhealthiness in mind, body, and soul, the stupidity, the craziness, the drugs (pharmaceutical and otherwise), and the overall collapse, it’s only going to grow in the years ahead.

The 50’s, 80’s, or whatever else have come and gone. You have to think about things now. Now that doesn’t mean you have to move to the mountains, raise your own food, form your own community, homeschool your kids, and form an agoge for them and the local kids. Not that anything is wrong with any of that, might even be the ideal path. Rather I’m saying you have to be hyper vigilant now. Because the culture and all the machinations of the media, political system, and monetary system want to destroy all that is healthy and good. Maybe you don’t believe me, but if you live in these countries look around you and tell me what you see. True progress or decay?

Physical Self-Sufficiency

With property taxes and the like you can never truly own a piece of land. Likewise it might only be a matter of time before compulsive schooling is required and options like homeschooling will be taken away, at least in the West. So on one hand it might be the only hope for true self-sufficiency and the health and strength that come from it, will only be achieved by leaving the West. However this raises the question of where does one go and even then it’ll be too extreme of a move for most. So what other options are there?

It’s no secret that the food and water is becoming more and more toxic and dysgenic. It’s…”strange” that elites promote GMO foods to the masses but would never let their own children touch them. Infertility, obesity, and other matters are getting higher and higher. The amount of drugs and pills that the average Western needs to not jump off a cliff by the end of the day gets higher and higher. Essentially we’re not healthy and since food in the foundation of health it’s something to look at when we talk about self-sufficiency.

You’d be amazed how much food you can from some chickens, either goats or dairy cows, and hunting/fishing. And not just food, but high quality, get your body growing and working right food. Add in not wasting anything, boiling the bones for nutrient dense broth and the like. And you can get by on very little. Just unplugging one more plug of disease from you and your families back. I’m not saying never eat at a restaurant or anything like that, just the more food you can get from good sources the better off you’ll be.

The Media & Self-Sufficiency

But taking care of your body is worth little if you let you soul and mind be bombarded with toxicity. And modern media culture is nothing but sheer, pure toxicness. Look at modern “music”, watch the music videos, read the lyrics, then understand this stuff has an effect on your head. Look at modern movies and what they promote. I don’t mean to sound like some religious fundamentalist but things have gotten to the point where is undeniable the record labels and Hollywood promote trash for a reason.

Maybe it’s just what sells, though we’ve all heard “Get woke, go broke.” so maybe it’s something more then that. Regardless it’s no doing you or your family any favors. Finding alternatives to this is important. Dropkicking your TV off a high cliff into the ocean is a wise decision in my book. Getting rid of cable, various streaming services and the like is helpful as well. Or at the very least limiting these things. They’re poison plain and simple. I don’t mean subliminally, although that could count too, but stories have power, power to change and mold you. Turn off the TV and open a saga, you’ll be the better for it.

Then there’s schooling. I said above how homeschooling might become illegal so might not be an option for everyone. But it doesn’t matter. You should be “homeschooling” anyways. You learn the best from self-learning and you should be teaching your family how the world works regardless. I’ve seen many Western parents rely on the media and schools to raise their children for them and then are confused when they’re children turn out awful in every conceivable way.

Self-Sufficiency As A Whole

I’d recommend start collecting a library as well. One because books with any goodness and sense in them will be banned sooner or later. Second because you’ll need more resources to help understand the world around you and transfer that understanding and wisdom to your children. Not a comprehensive list by any means but something that I think it’d be wise to think about. Take under consideration. Any step you can take towards self-sufficiency, even though “true” self-sufficiency may never be possible, is a step in the right direction.

Understand the world and the threats around you and act accordingly. Understand that you are caught up in a war, a war of mind and soul, and unfortunately maybe one day physical bodies. You are caught in a war, a war that is not going to be ending anytime soon. Best to do something about it before you end up another casualty.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge