Six Ways to Take Your Groom Game to the Next Level (David Atkinson)

This article was written by David Atkinson, a content creator at 1st Choice Cufflinks. In this post, David provides some tips on how grooms can look and act their best on their wedding day. Enjoy.

A man’s wedding day is one of the most important events in his life. It’s a day where he should be at his peak both personally and aesthetically, showing he is a true alpha. All eyes and cameras will be on you and your bride so looking and acting like a powerful couple is key.

Following these six tips will help with your wedding look and give you the right attitude to make a lasting impression. We’ve skipped the standard wedding outfit like the suit and shoes to focus on the finishing touches that will make you an alpha-groom.

Get A Decent Night’s Sleep Before

The night before your wedding, you need to make sure you get a decent night’s sleep and avoid too many pre-wedding pints. Aim for at least a standard eight hours and give yourself a drink limit that’s realistic. This will help you wake up looking fresh rather than a hungover mess.

If you do wake up feeling worse for wear, use whatever hangover cure works for you (fried breakfast, downing five litres of water, etc.). Then, apply a decent moisturiser, especially under your eyes, to help refresh your skin. In drastic situations, an icepack or bag for frozen peas can take away the puffy and tired look from your face.

Style That Hair & Beard

After your suit or tux, your hair and beard are the most important aspect of your wedding style. A few days before the wedding, visit your barber for a hair and beard trim. Make sure they know it’s your wedding cut and check you’re happy with it before you leave. Plan your style for the day and know what you’re going to be doing.

The morning of the wedding, wash your hair, then nail the look before you get ready. When it comes to the beard, whether you’re clean shaven, rocking designer stubble or a have a full yeti beard, it needs to be on point. Tidy up any stray hair, paying particular attention to your cheeks and neck. Whilst you’re at it, check your eyebrows as well. No one likes a monobrow, so make sure you’re sorted.

Whatever product you use to style, remember that it’s going to be a long day. Choose something long lasting and keep it in check throughout the day. Hairspray might be a better option rather than gel or wax, especially in your photos.

If you’re not confident with styling your own hair and beard, see if your barber can fit you in early. Most will open up early, especially if you’re a decent customer and a tipper.

Add the Right Accessories

Getting the right accessories will make or break your wedding day attire. It gives you an opportunity to show off your unique style but there are plenty of things that can bring you down.

For example, you may love novelty cufflinks thinking they show off your quirky personality but they have no place at a wedding. No one cares that you play golf or you’re the “funny guy” in your office. Keep it simple with some plain cufflinks that suit your outfit.

If you’re wearing a necktie, get a tie clip. It will keep your tie in place throughout the day and add a touch of class to your look.

A watch is always a timeless accessory that goes with anything you wear. Choose your best watch that matches with other aspects of your outfit like your tie and buttonhole.

As a general rule, try to match accessories with your suit, the flowers or the bridesmaid’s dresses. Push the limits with whatever you think looks good but remember you’re going to have hundreds of photos taken. Fashion choices can quickly date so keep it classic.

Choose A Signature Scent

Your wedding day is literally filled with human contact. From sharing a kiss with your new bride to greeting your family and friends to the photographs, you’re constantly going to be close to someone. Therefore, getting the right scent is vital on your wedding day.

Whether you choose to go with your everyday aftershave or something a little more special (recommended) you need to get it right. Go for a cologne that complements your natural scent. Keep it topped up throughout the day.

Just have in mind, even the best aftershave is overpowering if it’s used excessively. Don’t go too crazy. you want a subtle and noticeable scent rather than to drown yourself in it.

Confidence Is King

Being confident on your wedding day will give you the presence of a true alpha. It’s a nerve-racking time but on the outside, you need to look cool and collected. Stand up straight, speak clearly, smile and make eye contact with everyone you speak to.

Your speech is your time to shine. Know what you’re saying inside and out and practice before the day. If you do have to use notes, go for prompts rather than your full speech written out. Look at your guests and bride rather than focussing on something off in the distance. Some people don’t find speaking in public easy but keep in mind that everyone watching you wants to be there and see you talk.

In the words of the boy scouts “Always be prepared”. Know what’s happening throughout the day and when. You can then stay on top of every situation rather than stumbling through.

Speak To All Your Guests

Whether someone has travelled from the other side of the world or down the road, you need to take the time to speak to everyone who is in attendance at your wedding. No matter who they are, they’re there to celebrate with you and your wife, so take the time to speak to them.

Let’s face it, you’re going to be busy speaking to people all day, but you need to put the effort in and have a decent conversation with everyone. Even if it’s only five minutes each, everyone will appreciate you taking the time to speak to them.

Charles Sledge