Why Selling Is Essential To Your Survival

In our ancestors time there were certain traits needed to survive. In the tribal societies that we all came from those who could not hunt or fight would not last very long. Hunting and fighting were essential to their survival. To not learn these things would mean certain death. Our society also operates by certain rules, rules that are much different from the ones our ancestors operated by. While our biology and nature has not changed and never will how we survive certainly has.

While learning how to fight is an essential skill, in our day and age it is not the most essential skill for survival. No we are out of the tribal days of man, we are out of the agricultural age, leaving the industrial age, and we are in the information age. Not since that time when we lived in tribes has fighting and hunting been essential to survival. Just because you can kill someone doesn’t mean you’ll have a higher quality of life than him. No, in order to survive in this modern age you have to know how to sell.

This Isn’t A Choice

Just like a kid on the ancient plains refusing to learn how to fight or hunt would be certain to die likewise in our modern society refusing to learn sales it is almost certain your quality of life will be low. While you may not die you will not truly live. The ancient boy would be scalped by a neighboring tribe or eaten by a saber tooth you will be used as some sadistic boss’s little bitch or chewed up and ground by the corporate world. Sales is your weapon and skill in this fight.

Sales is your sword, bow, and armor in the business world. With it you can destroy others as well as build them up. You can acquire what you need to survive and never worry about money again. You can cut down your boss and go above him. Sales gives you power with money and power in the business world. To go out without sales knowledge is to go out defenseless and weak. Weak males are always destroyed…always. Before it was with club and ax now its with long hours and emasculation.

Sales Is Your Key To Power

Sales is your key to power, your weapon to fight with. As a man there are only two places you’ll end up. The bottom or the top. The pyramid of life consists of men at the top and men at the bottom. With women occupying the middle. A woman will never be the best but she will always be saved from being the worst as well. A man has no such safety net, he will fall to the bottom and be trampled on if he lets himself be. This will happen to you if you don’t learn sales.

Imagine dating without knowing the nature of women and having no concept of game. Even if you were rich and good looking you’d still get killed because you wouldn’t have that innate masculinity needed for successful relations with women. This is the exact same thing as going into this world of ours without sales experience. Look it doesn’t matter if you’re good at what you do that doesn’t mean you’ll get rewarded for it. Likewise it doesn’t matter if you’re moral or work hard. These things mean absolutely nothing to the modern corporate world, the only thing that matters is if you can sell.

Don’t Be Van Gogh

To drive this point home I want to talk about one of the most famous losers of all time, that’s right I said loser and let me explain why. It’s not secret that Van Gogh was talented this guy was talented out the wazoo. Probably one of the most famous and talented artists who have ever lived, so you’re probably wondering “Well then how in the hell is he a loser Sledge?”. I’ll be happy to explain. You see despite Van Gogh’s incredible talent he couldn’t sell for shit. Because of this he died a broke bum.

You may say “Well now he’s famous” yeah but so what he’s dead. Money and fame don’t mean a lot if you have to be dead for a couple hundred of years for it to take effect. Van Gogh was a loser, an incredibly talented loser but a loser nonetheless. All because he couldn’t sell. He ended up committing suicide something that could have easily been prevented if the guy had learned sales. Talent doesn’t mean jack compared to selling ability.


Nothing matters in the business world (i.e. in making money) as does your sales skills. This isn’t a negotiable skill. Just like hunting and fighting weren’t negotiable back in the tribal days now selling isn’t negotiable. If you don’t learn sales you will suffer pain and even destruction in the marketplace. The guy who is a master of selling, who can bring in revenue will always have a job. He could be a racist, misogynist, or whatever the modern world deems evil and still succeed in business if he knows sales. Sales is power in the business world. Learn it or perish.

Just like a man could be all those things yet women would still flock to him if he was masculine and had game. You see labels and shame only apply to the weak. And sales is strength in business. You live in a cut throat dog eat dog world. You can trust your brothers and maybe your family (if you’re lucky) but everyone else will bend you over and screw you if they can. Selling skills prevents this from happening in the business world. So if you want to screw over your boss by jumping above him or simply live life as an entrepreneur then selling ability is your ticket there.

If you have any questions you would like to see answered in a future post send them to me at charlessledge001 (at) gmail (dot) com. If you found value in this post then I would encourage you to share this site with someone who may need it as well as check out my books here. I appreciate it. You can follow me on Twitter here.

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge