The Number One Reason People Don’t Succeed

When you look at those who want success but don’t have it and then compare them with the ones who have succeed there are a couple of things that stand out. However there is one in particular that truly separates those that are successful from those that are unsuccessful. And it’s none of the things that the average person thinks it is. It’s not their education, not their connections, not their intelligence, not their looks, and surprisingly not their money that separates the successful from the unsuccessful.

You see you could take away everything that a successful man has and give it to an unsuccessful man and in five years time they’ll be back at the same place. The successful man will be successful and the unsuccessful man will be unsuccessful. Because the successful man understands this principle of what separates the successful from the unsuccessful and the unsuccessful man doesn’t. So though there are a myriad of reasons that people don’t succeed, entire libraries could be written about that. There is one that stands out above all the others.

The Number One Thing That Separates The Successful From The Unsuccessful

Alright so you’be been teased enough it times to reveal the number one thing that separates the successful from the unsuccessful. And that number one thing is the amount of action that they take. Put simply the unsuccessful simply aren’t taking enough action. Now you could narrow this down further to say they’re not taking enough but honestly whatever way we boil it down it’s because they’re not taking enough action. If you want to be successful then you are going to have to take action and take more action then you ever thought you would have.

Say you thought writing ten books would be enough so you could sit back relax and quit your job while writing more. Write fifty and perhaps you’ll be there. And then write fifty more after that. Keep taking action until you get what it is you want and then take even more. You get the results that you are after when your heads down and you are putting in the work. Not when you do something then look to see if it got you the results that you wanted. That’d be like doing one repetition for a squat and then checking out you ass in the mirror to see if it’s any different. That’s not how it works. You keep putting the work in and don’t look up until you get what you want.

Stop Waiting

Stop waiting take action right away. Talk to that girl, start of the first chapter of that book, begin that blog. And then take action again, and again, and again. This is a marathon and you’re already miles behind. Just start running. If you wait on family, friends, those you look up to, or others you’ll never make it. You have to lead yourself and then keep taking action. Surpass those you look up to so that they one day look up to you. While everyone else is waiting for their leader to give them the go ahead you’ll already have completed the race. Never ever wait on others. You have to hit the ground running and then never stop.

The successful know this and learn as they go. You’re not taking enough action and you haven’t been taking enough action. You have to light a fire under your ass or you’ll never make it. Most people spend ten years before they get around to publish a novel they’ve been writing for that same amount of time. They’re fools. You should have written twenty books or more in that same amount of time. Then they wonder why they were never successful. They should have 10x or even 50x their activity and then maybe they’d start to get somewhere. But not before they got their level of action taking to such a high amount.


You have to give yourself permission to excel, exceed, and take action. You can’t wait on others or for someone else to give you permission. It’s all on you. Just like the level of success that you ultimately attain is all on you as well. If you want to succeed if you want to achieve your dreams then start taking action right away. Look at the action that those who are on the same path are taking and then double it and then double it again for good measure. Then you’ll start taking the level of action needed to start achieving success for yourself.

If you have any questions you would like to see answered in a future post send them to me at charlessledge001 (at) gmail (dot) com. If you found value in this post then I would encourage you to share this site with someone who may need it as well as check out my books here. I appreciate it. You can follow me on Twitter here.

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge