Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Wanted to take a second and wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Usually post like these take time to reflect on the year before and talk about growth and changes that the author went through, but I think your time is more valuable than that. Instead I want to take a second to focus on the year ahead.

Not in making resolutions that no one will keep. Not in mindless optimism or testosterone bereft pessimism but instead in a level and sober view. It’s amazing what can happen in a year, both for good and bad. But at the same time there are things that just can’t be accomplished in a year’s time as well, again for good or bad.

While I think resolutions are foolish at the same time the end of the year does represent a good time to sit back and see what you want to accomplish in the year ahead and see if you are on track to accomplishing said things. Are you taking actions daily and/or weekly that are going to eventually lead you to your goals? Or at least have the possibility of leading to your goals?

If not then something needs to change. Adjust as needed and do the things that need to be done. Yeah that sounds overly simple but that’s really what it comes down too. Take the time to enjoy your Christmas and New Years but at the same time remember that the wolves are always at the door and that there is no eternal rest in this world.

This world is a world of tumult and conflict, always has been and always will be. That doesn’t mean that there aren’t good things here or that this tumult and conflict can lead to good things and the refinement of the soul. Simply stating a harsh fact, one that many would choose to ignore.

So enjoy yourself, eat a little more than usual, spend time with what family you can, or if you don’t have any of those things then use this time to your advantage to get sharper and better while others rest. To close the gap between you and the competition, whatever that competition may be.

And again Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Charles Sledge