Members Only Post #87 – Connecting The Dots

I’ve talked about pattern recognition before and how it can open many doors for you on how the world works and how things in general work. Granted, many of those door you may wish you never opened but to me knowledge is always better than ignorance, to an extent. I think if the human mind could see all the horrors of the world at once it’d overwhelm it and destroy itself. Even exposed to a small dose of all the horror of the world can do that to someone.

Yet at the same time ignorance is far from bliss. Ignorance is a liability and a weakness. It is a a route through which you can be exploited, led astray, and even destroyed. Knowledge is power and wisdom is gold. You must seek both to find anywhere firm to place your feet in this world. When it comes to this site there are some things that I can talk about and some things that I can’t. Here’s what I mean by this.

Certain topics such as what relates to masculinity, attraction (essentially biology), health, wealth, and even culture I can and do talk about. I try to avoid current events as much as possible unless they highlight some greater scheme in things. I do this for a couple of reasons. One focusing on current events keeps you on a never ending hamster wheel of producing more content and two if someone stumbles on this blog two years from now they’ll serve little purpose. I want my content to be as timeless as possible.

But there’s more to it than that.

“Red Pilling” Everything

There are also things that are beyond the scope of this blog. Things that I can hint at and things that I can only mention in passing. Some because they’re simply not the right topic for this blog and some because mentioning them or pointing them out draws too much attention. But I want to point something out about all I’ve been talking about that’ll help you in your own life. If you’re reading this blog then you’ve likely been “red pilled” on some subjects. Maybe it was women, maybe it was men, maybe it was other things.

“Red pilled” meaning that you have comfortable illusions ripped away from you and you saw how things actually worked in all its horror. This is usually a “traumatizing” experience. I don’t mean you need therapy from it or that you’ll shut down from it. Rather that it shattered and rattled your psyche, what you once thought was true turned out to be a big pile of lies. And that’s disconcerting on many different levels. It can cause you to pull away from truths in other places because of it.

Where you keep your “red pilling” contextualized to a certain area for fear of having your entire worldview ripped up by the roots. So you ignore the rabbit hole that leads from the one you’re already in, that or you dismiss it entirely. Sure working for a corporation might not be the safe and steady option I thought it was but I know that the leaders of my country are good people who have the peoples best interest at heart. Or some other variation. You accept the harsh truth in one area but refuse to follow it into another.

Connecting The Dots To See The Picture

But you do yourself a disservice when you do this. You should seek the truth in all matters, no matter how horrible it may be. Because once you get over the horribleness of it you can then act in accordance with the truth and it is the truth that will set you free. And its following these rabbit holes, these “dots” if you will. That you connect things and end up seeing the big picture. And the big picture may be horrible and it may be ugly but it’s foolishness to not look at it and see it for what it is.

It’s only by confronting this head on that you can then do anything productive about it. Denial and ignorance don’t help anyone. Keep questioning, keep seeking, and keep looking. Those who seek find and to those who knock the door will be opened. But you have to keep seeking and you have to keep knocking. You’ve discovered truth about some things otherwise you wouldn’t be here and you wouldn’t be reading this. But keep up the search. See what is fought against and why. Why are certain things said to be bad and good? Don’t take the first answer that you get.

Learn and grow and keep going. Keep seeking, learning, and growing. Connect the dots, there’s always another one to connect, and the more that you do the more accurate view of the big picture you’ll get. And the better view of the big picture you get, the better you’ll be able to live in accordance reality. Meaning the world as it is and not as how we’d like it to be. Which naturally leads to setting up your life on something solid, that’ll last through time. Seek wisdom, and seek the truth. You’ll find many horrors but you’ll be better off for it. And never forget to connect the dots, no matter how horrible the picture they’re drawing is.

Charles Sledge