Members Only Post #85 – A Call To Masculine Story Tellers

One of the most powerful forces for change is story. With story you can set the world on fire or douse it out, depending on what your wishes are. The enemies of the primal and cosmic order, the good things of this world, you and me, are varied and many. It would takes multiple volume books to began documenting them all, something that we don’t have time for here. Here I’d like to do something different. I’d like to outline one of the most powerful methods for fighting back against these forces and creating safety for you and yours.

For too long those that stand against masculinity, a healthy society, and the primal and cosmic order have had a monopoly on story telling. Through Hollywood, TV agencies, and big publishing houses they controlled what was published and what the people saw. They controlled story and combined with money powers could essentially control the world with these two things. They said what stories got made and which got ignored. The people who ran these things were and are extremely smart, if just as evil.

However things have changed, not so much with TV and movies. Even things like Netflix march to same drummer as Hollywood but with books the scenery is different. Masculine story tellers have a chance to start producing work and fighting back against the tide. Man has been given back one of his most potent weapons, story. And to not use this weapon would be to lose the war, the cultural war among many others. Telling a good story is like a super power. A super power that must be used to do any good.

Telling Masculine Stories

I’ve said before that the culture war is won with art and make no mistakes about it we are in a war. A war when only one side is allowed to use violence and it’s not our side. Sure that may change in the future but right now violence is foolishness. We are not in a war of arms but in a war of ideas, a war of pens. But only one side is fighting and no surprisingly winning, not just winning but trouncing the opposition. What little there is of it. Right now more like a heavy weight champ boxing some amatuer.

That can change but it’s going to take time. And it’s going to take masculine story tellers standing up and telling stories that resonate with those around them. That can literally change the world around them. Even more than writing philosophical treaties and alternative news sources, as great as those things are stories are even more powerful, and more needed. We are seeing resistance to the “Great Babylon” or whatever you want to call it. But without story tellers it’ll be a losing battle.

Story tellers are the heavy guns that come in and wreck shit up to put not too fine a point on it. They’re the charging cavalry, the bombers, the tanks, the dragons, the whatever analogy you want to use. And right now we need big guns, the culture war was lost many years ago and since then it’s just been getting worse and worse. We need warriors and warriors need stories. Warriors of all kinds, cultural and otherwise. Stories provide the fire that fuel the warrior’s heart.

Create The Future With Stories

There are some things that I believe all men should have the basics of. For example fighting with one’s fists, basic handling of firearms, survive a few days in the wilds, how to acquire and keep money, how the sexes should relate to one another, the relationship between God and man, writing, reading, and a whole lot more. Storytelling being one of these things. But if you want to be a storyteller that makes a difference you’re going to have to go beyond the basics. You’re going to have to become an expert at your craft.

But it is needed and understand you’re doing important essential work, in the true sense of the word. You’re creating, changing, and helping the future. To see you children be strong and stand up instead of being slaves. Draw from the classics, learn you can about the craft from as many sources as possible. Things like YouTube and Amazon have made this easier than ever to get resources to improve your craft and become better. If this is something that you feel called too then don’t put it aside or put it off, get to it.

Create the future with stories. Not saying write utopian ideals, stories aren’t about ideology they’re about overcoming whatever the world throws at you and becoming stronger for it. Tell stories that are good stories not good ideological statements, those usually don’t fare well unless the ideology already has lots of backing and power behind it. Write stories with heroes that go through hell to make things livable. Write stories like the old epics and legends. Stories that will instruct and inspire. This is a message to all masculine story tellers. The world needs you now more than ever, step up and lead the way forward.

Charles Sledge