Members Only Post #84 – Enclaves The Way Of The Future?

We live in turbulent times that right now look like they’re just going to get more and more turbulent. People are getting more divided and more violent by the day. Or at least that violence is no longer being restrained by things like community, rule of law, or threat of reprisal. And this is only going to get worse. I’m not sure if this round of chaos will last but it’ll be followed by another, maybe in a year or so, and it’ll grow. Eventually cold wars go hot and revolutions don’t quiet down. So the natural question for all of this is what should you do to live the life you want.

To be safe? To have a business? A family? A sense of wellbeing? And so on and so forth? The world is a big place with many different cultures, some more infected by things than others. One solution is to simply move to a place that is more “like you” culturally and socially and demographically. However at the same time one cannot retreat forever and there’s something to be said for sticking with one’s country to a certain extent. Even the worst countries have places that are mini-paradises to the right people.

The more people get divided the more we see friction and the violence that stems from that. Which makes places that have lots of different people naturally more volatile and more dangerous. Homogeneity produces peace in many ways, even if it does (or doesn’t) stifle other things like innovation. I think many people’s focus in the coming decade is going to be finding a place they can belong, be safe, and call their own.

Natural Reasserting Itself

Humans are by nature tribal, identity politics are the only true politics as the political is personal. Even the white yuppie who supposedly votes and supports everything that is good for “the other” is still getting a vicarious joy out of it. Sort of like charity. Charities do a lot of harm to this world, their real reason isn’t to help people but to make rich people feel good about themselves and to line the pockets of those running the charities. The people who are most about “others” are actually most about themselves.

It’s natural, right, and healthy to care more about you and yours than others, especially if those others are your enemy and want you dead and destroyed. Nature can be denied and delayed but it can’t be put off forever. This reassertion of “identity politics” is simply people rediscovering that the only person who has their best interest at heart is the people most like them. We could pretend everyone was equal and the same when living in a homogeneous culture but that illusions burst apart when exposed to the real world.

Point being people organize into tribes and tend to not like those from other tribes. The further your tribe is from theirs the more they’re not going to like you. And dislike at best leads to nastiness and social shunning at worst leads to things like murder, rape, and the like. Meaning that as things heat up you need to take a look at your community and think if everything went “primal” how would you and yours fare? Sure everyone might be nice right now but when the rubber hits the road (or shit hits the fan) how’s that going to change?

When The Illusion Crumbles

The Western world is long overdue to fall, at least according to most. Its untenable and has been that way for a very long time now. And that’s not going to change. However just because a nation, idea, or continent is untenable does not mean there are not things within that nation, idea, or continent that are not. Guys like Jack Donovan and Paul Waggener talk a lot about forming a tribe and how important it is. This is going to go from a “nice to have” to a “need to have” and sooner rather than later.

I’m not saying you have to have rituals and blood brothers in the woods necessarily, though of course nothing wrong with that. But you need to form communities that are stable and on the same page culturally, socially, and probably demographically. This could be moving to a small rural town, it could be forming up something in a medium sized town, it could be buying land with family and maybe some choice friends. It could be joining some sort of hippie commune co-op, but with guns or something. It could be a whole lot of different things.

But now is the time to start thinking about it and doing it. The illusion is crumbling and nature will reassert itself as it always has and always will. You don’t want to be caught with your ass in the wind because you kept believing in the illusion long after it broke apart. Find your enclave, your little community, your “safe space” in the true sense of the world and work on developing it. There are many groups like the Mormons, Amish, and others that provide a rough framework even if you completely disagree with their culture.

Find & Build Your Enclave For The Storm

I don’t want to sound like I’m crying wolf. I’m not saying that the world is going to end or that you need to be a prepper. Simply that things tend towards destabilization and what happens when things are destabilized. So many people are shocked by what happens simply because they don’t understand human nature and how the human animal works. They believe the nonsense about liberty and equality for all, that we’re all equal, that we can all sing kumbaya by a fire and all of that nonsense. That was cute when people had no exposure to the real world, but it’s deadly as soon as reality comes in.

Man is violent and tribal. He doesn’t like those that are not like him. Race, religion, culture. Doesn’t matter how much you believe in equality, are against the various ism’s, or how many “coexist” stickers you put on your bumper it won’t stop anyone from knocking your head in or worse. Nature and reality always reassert themselves. Find a place that’ll be safe and stable for you when they do. The wolves are at the door and giving your food and petting them will only slightly delay when they rip your throat out. Find you and yours and protect them. The world outside isn’t your concern.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge