Members Only Post #82 – Changing The World & Becoming More

There have been more than a few times when I’ve considered shutting this site down. When I don’t know if it’s doing any good, if it’s actually helping anyone. Sometimes I worry that things I write will be misinterpreted and lead to people leading lives that are less than fulfilling. However when I get emails talking about the changes that this site has wrought in individuals lives it makes it all worth it. I always subscribed to the belief that you have to give people what they want before they’ll understand what they need.

But at the same time I fear that people get stuck in the need stage. For men it’s revolving wheel of making more money, banging more women, and getting in better shape. While you certainly should understand how to make money, the proper way to relate to women, and the basics of health these are not ends in and of themselves and when you make them so you end up with a live that is less than fulfilling. They’re tools for something greater.

Which is why I focus more on the topics that I do now, in the hopes that I can provide the other end of the spectrum and lead men towards true fulfillment and freedom as opposed to simply catering to what the “wants” are, even though that’s how you build traffic and build a site at least at the beginning. But it’s not very fulfilling ultimately and it tends to attract a different type of crowd. You have those seeking knowledge but then you also have those who are angry and bitter at life and use things like the red pill to justify and exacerbate it.

Navigating Perilous Waters

Which leads to constant hate which isn’t a good thing. There is no ideology, site, book, or anything else that can give you everything that you need to succeed or understand and that includes my own. I’m just one person with limited knowledge sharing what has helped me in my life personally, nothing more and nothing less. I’m not a guru or expert and I have my own share of faults and I have my weak spots. Weak spots that I try to correct and work on but that are there nonetheless.

This world is confusing and there are a myriad of ways to get lost in it but the path to getting anywhere good is narrow and hard. You have to sift through so much and identify was is good and useful and discard what isn’t. My job is to help facilitate this process to make it as easy as possible for you. To move from ignorance to wants to needs so that we can all become more fulfilled, more free in our lives. The more you deal in truth the more that you’ll attract hate in your life. Regardless of what that truth is. Most the hate for this site used to come from feminists and extreme “leftists” and weirdly “conservative” women but now there’s equal amounts from MGTOW and other groups.

It’s been an interesting journey and I think every good writer should piss you off at least a little otherwise they’re not doing their job. If you agree with everything I say and everything that I say makes you feel good about yourself then I’m not doing my job. Life is about challenge and growing, about coming more. When someone pisses me off I do my very best to figure out why and see if the fault isn’t with me. Doesn’t always work and there are times to put your foot down but when it comes to ideas and the online world it’s different than face to face matters.

Evolving Into More

We’re all on the path from ignorance of how to get what we want to understanding of how to get what we want but ignorance of what we need to understanding of how to get what we want and understanding of how to get what we need. And that is generally a life long pursuit and one that never ends. I never thought I’d be where I am now or how quickly I would get there. I never thought I’d want more than to make money and date hot girls. But was amazed how quickly that changed for me once I saw I could achieve those things.

How little they fulfilled. Now my focus is more on family, land, culture, heritage, and things that’ll make a true difference in this world. I’ve thought about taking down old sections and posts but figured I’ll keep them up if they help lead men from what they want to what they need, while also understanding that people need different things and are going to be fulfilled by different things.

Anyways we’re all on this journey together, whether we want to be on not. Embrace truth and embody it and understand that you’ll often be hated for it. Always work at becoming more and addressing your weak spots. I’m not perfect but I hope that this site offers value and has helped you achieve the things that you want in life. It doesn’t matter who hates it on the outside as long as those on the inside benefit from it. The tribe matters more than the world. That applies to many things. So become more, learn from my mistakes, and go live the life that you want.

P.S. As always if there’s anything you want me to cover more or have a question about send me an email and I’ll get back to you and maybe even write a post on the subject.

P.P.S. Remember this site is all about you.

Charles Sledge