Members Only Post #78 – Winning A Rigged Game

The more that one learns about the world and the society around them, often, the more bleaker their outlook becomes. When certain truths are exposed to certain people many can’t handle them and think that it’s hopeless. Granted this isn’t true but without a grasp of the entire picture I understand why this conclusion is often come to. The game is rigged and therefore why play it or why keep playing it when you feel that you’re just going to use.

It feels futile to fight back, to keep going, and to do anything but give up and let those making the rigged rules have their way with you and the world around you. But like I said this is incomplete knowledge. While the game may very well be rigged and you’ll be going against a heavy disadvantage with some things that doesn’t mean that it can’t be beat and that you can’t win. That doesn’t mean that there’s no hope. It just means that you have to change how you’re playing and what you’re doing.

Playing by the rigged rules will lead you to destruction and you can’t have rules made in your favor so what you need to do is make up “rules” or guidelines of your own to follow that are going to give you the best chance of getting that which you’re after. And without that you’ll be lost and at the mercy of the forces around you. So let’s talk about this let’s talk about winning a rigged game and how “winning” might mean different things to you than it does to those that are rigging it.

What Is Winning?

The first thing to get clear is what exactly is winning in life? What is considered winning to you? Different men are going to be different and different at different points in their life. In clearer terms that means that we’re all different from one another and from each other during different points of our life. Person A living in place B may have an completely different idea of winning than Person C living in place D and so on and so forth. Likewise Person A may have a completely different idea of winning in his 20’s than when he’s in his 30’s.

And so on and so forth. So the first thing to get clear is what is winning to you? What does it mean and what does it look like? It it making gobs of money and having a different trophy girl on your arm every other weekend? I won’t say whether or not that’ll be what you need but for most they’ll find that they need more. They need something deeper and more meaningful. They need deep spring water as opposed to soda. But if that’s what you want then pursue it, and figure out if it’s what you wanted.

But like I said you’ll like need more. Maybe it’s becoming the best in your field. Maybe it’s running and operating a successful small business or charity for something you believe in. Maybe it’s having you art impact millions or just make you a living. Maybe it’s having a happy and healthy family and raising them properly somewhere you can be free and safe. Or maybe it’s a million other things. Just understand what winning means to you and that it’ll like be different from what society tells you it is (that’s the rigged game remember).

Don’t Compete To Lose

For example society will tell you that making lots of money, having “fame”, and being recognized by Babylon are the greatest goods and things that one should strive for. Take out big loans, go to college, work in an office, purchase the right products, vote for the right candidates, and so on and so forth. If that’s the game you’re planning on winning you’ve already lost. You were never meant to win, it was designed for you to lose from the very start.

Don’t compete to lose. You need to get your own definition of winning and not take the one given to you by the media/government/”education” system or any of that. Obviously you’ll need to make money and need a real education but you’ll get neither by following the path that they’ll proscribe for you. You have to be wise and you have to be strong, nothing’s changed about that. Don’t play their game and their version of the game and on their terms. You’ve already lost once you’ve done that.

Winning The Rigged Game

So you win by first getting an understanding of what winning actually means to you, second by ignoring their version of “winning” which even when you do “win” you’ve still truly lost. And the third would be learning all that you can about your version of winning and how you can go about achieving it, even when it seems impossible. Remember those who seek find and those that knock have the door opened for them. But you have to keep at and keep going, keep searching, keep grinding, keep learning, and keep moving forward. It takes tenacity among other things to win.

But there is hope. There is hope, there is potential, and there is a future for those that go for it. You can win the rigged game, even if what winning is a little different than what you first fought. Not in that you compromise but rather you start going in the right direction and pursuing the right goals. You start playing the game for you to win as opposed for the system to win. And you can win, don’t forget that. Now go out and win.

Charles Sledge