Members Only Post #77 – The Importance Of Staying Humble

There are a great many things that I am wrong about. Some of these things here on this site. Things that I’ve written believing in 100% and was wrong either because of ignorance, foolisness, or not seeing clearly. Granted I couldn’t tell you exactly what those things are or I’d have them removed but I know they are there somewhere. Or even many of the things that I am “right” about I may just be right about for me and my situation. Things that will only work for others like me but not for those that are very different.

Granted I think most people can apply the same principles and get somewhat similar results but this doesn’t apply to absolutely everything, there are certain things that only work for certain individuals and certain times. I do my best to share with you principles that I have stumbled upon and that have worked in my own life. In the hopes that they help you in your life, and that’s about all that I can ever hope to offer. There is plenty I don’t know and plenty I am unqualified to “help” with.

But I do what I can with what I have. I know that the second that I think I know it all, the second that I think I have all the answers is when I’m finished, when I’m done and out. The second I let ego and hubris overtake wisdom and understanding I’ll cease to aid and only end destroying myself in some way, shape, or form. Something that I sincerely hope I’m never foolish enough to let happen, but then again I am human.

You’re Never There

Where’s there you’re asking? Well there has many different meanings and names for it. The best that I can think of in the moment is “perfection” which as humans we can always chase but can never achieve (but we can catch excellence in the process). As humans we’re never “complete” beings. Don’t get me wrong we can be satisfied, content, and where we need to be but we’re never completely complete. There’s never a time where we can stop learning or growing without consequence.

We must always go onward and hopefully upwards for to stop isn’t just stagnation but death. It’s like when learning a craft, especially one that you wish to become a professional at (being good enough to make a living from in most definitions) you’re never there at perfection you must day in and day out work at your craft and always seek to reach that next level, seek to be more, do more, and understand more. You are always a student, even when (or perhaps especially when) considered a master.

All the best know this and were kind enough to pass it on the fools like me. Fools that were able to take it and learn and hopefully become something more than fools. The fact that you’re sitting here and reading this shows that you already understand at least part of the game. I mean you’re reading and not only are you reading but you’re reading self-development advice and not the cheesy feel good kind but the hard and tough (but true) kind. But it won’t matter if you stop now, it won’t matter if you give up halfway through.

The Masterpiece Of Life

Life can horrid, brutal, pointless, stupid, unfair, unjust, evil, and a great many other things. Anyone who ignores this is a fool. I’ve never believed in Pollyanna type thinking, it’s a particularly dangerous kind of foolishness because it has the trappings of happiness and sunshine (though both are false versions) to surround it. Not life can be absolutely downright horrible. It can be a joke and a game that we are horribly losing. But it can also be something good and beautiful.

The way I look at it (and that way I’d recommend looking at it) is like this. At the end we are to go before the Creator and give account of our actions and life’s work. Maybe not give account but it will be know and shown for all. Many religions have this worked into their structure. There will be those that strove and fought hard and there will be those that were weak and gave in. There will be those that can look back and be satisfied and those that will never have rest.

Even if you don’t believe in this mythology I think it’s useful for how to live a life worth living, to live a life that on your deathbed you can be proud of and know that you gave it your all. To forge your own masterpiece and have your deeds and maybe even works echo into eternity. To give light to those that came after you. To serve as inspiration and example. But you’ll never achieve these things if you don’t stay humble.

Be Proud & Humble

By humble I don’t mean nice and by humble I don’t mean subservient. Likewise by pride I don’t mean being filled with hubris or ego. I mean be proud and be humble. This is not a contradiction but rather the result of healthy living physically, mentally, and spiritually. Be proud and be humble. The two go hand in hand and one feeds and nourishes the other. Like I said they are not contradictions but rather two of the most synergistic forces there are. Be proud of what you’ve done and accomplished, work hard at it, but also understand that there is always more to learn and do.

Charles Sledge