Members Only Post #74 – Living In Uncertain Times

I think balance is important in life. Balance in many different ways. Don’t get me wrong I’m not one of those people who says never be passionate, to never be all in, or anything of that matter. As a matter of fact I think being lukewarm is exactly the opposite of how you should be for a great many things. However when it comes to life in general I’m for balance. And balance generally comes from understanding some basic principles and getting the fundamentals right.

Now by fundamentals you’re probably wondering what I’m talking about, the fundamentals for what? The fundamentals for life? And if so then what are they? I guess in a way what I’m talking about could be considered the “fundamentals of life” though I’d want to do a more in depth study if that was what I was talking about. Rather what I’m getting at is how to create balance in your life but understanding and appreciating a few key principles.

We live in uncertain times in many different ways. Though the world has always been changing it is more rapidly changing in the here and now. What once took a hundred years is now happening in a decade or so. The pace of change is rapidly growing and I don’t see this changing anytime soon if anything I see it becoming more so, exponential change and all of that. But what does that mean for you and your life?

Stability In A Changing World

The first thing I’d recommend is getting as accurate a look at things as you possibly can. Meaning stop believing everything you were taught in school, church, culture as a whole, and the media and other controlled sources. That’s not to say that you didn’t pick up anything good from those sources just that it pays to have an accurate view of the world. See where things are trending and even more important why they are trending that way.

Things happen for a reason even if the reason stays unknown or we don’t personally know it, that doesn’t mean that one isn’t there. Cause and effect and all of that. When you look at the world changing around you there is a reason for it and getting closer to understanding that reason gets you closer to being able to survive and thrive in the change. I know many feel like the neighborhood, city, state, country, culture, world itself is not the one they knew/loved/grew up in and that’s the truth.

Things are different and changing. So for those that want certain things for themselves and for those coming next they’ll have to look at this and understand this. For example something I’ve talked about a lot is moving especially as things heat up in the Western world. You’re not going to want to be certain places depending on who you are (no matter your beliefs). Things that you see culture (and otherwise) are not going away but only going to speed up (going away is not how wars or victorious armies work).

Where’s The Stability?

I know a lot of what I’ve been saying is vague and I apologize for that. Some because it needs to be, some because what the “right choice” is, is going to be different for different people. Politics and the like comes (for better or for worse) from culture and demographics. Not saying this is a good thing or a bad thing, just saying that it is a thing. Understand the fundamentals of how states and people organize. Having wrong thinking/politically correct thinking can get you killed or at best lead you to a life you don’t want.

I guess what I’m getting at with this more and more is that ignorance in certain matters can’t be ignored. For example in America in the 1950’s people could have whatever dumb beliefs and ideologies that they wanted because of how prosperous the country was and the condition that it was in. Sort of like a very healthy body doesn’t worry about disease and the like. But overtime this has changed. We now have a diseased body (though I won’t pretend like I know all the causes or have the answer) and the question is why and what to do about it.

So just like I advocate for understanding the basics of fighting, dating/mating, making money, having good health, basic human nature, and a good many other things something else I recommending is a sense of history and how societies work (or don’t work) and things related to culture and the political body. There have been a good number of useful documentaries on YouTube that constantly get taken down but there are other methods as well.

Opening Your Eyes

It’s funny how people in one “facet” of life will have their eyes wide open to the truth (the often ugly truth) of things but then have them wired shut when it comes to another facet of life. Now I’m not saying that I’m not like this or have never been like this, all humans. It’s just when it’s almost willful ignorance that it confuses me. For example maybe someone will be “red pill aware” when it comes to the dating and mating game but completely blind when it comes to politics and culture.

Or vice versa. Ignorance in any facet of life is going to cause imbalance and other negative things. But again where is the stability? The stability is in knowing the truth, the often painful, ugly, and even horrible truth. Because it is the truth that sets you free (and you can be free in one area but bound in another). The more you can understand and see the better off that you’ll be, that’s just a fact. If a blind spot is how societies, governments, cultures and the like work then work on understanding that blind spot.

Because it’s the blind spots that’ll get you. This isn’t to make you paranoid just a fact and a call to broaden your horizons and understanding about things. Make connections and don’t stop making them. Go down the rabbit hole no matter how deep you think it goes. You’ll go left and right a little but if you keep at it you’ll find the center, the truth of things. After all those that seek find. Perhaps my most cryptic post though I don’t mean it to be, but hopefully one that gets you thinking as well.

You have to be a “noticer” or the things you don’t notice will be the ones that get you.

Charles Sledge