Members Only Post #56 – Why We Need Hatred

There are many weird ideologies that get tossed around in the modern world. These black and white statements that have little to no correlation with reality yet that people take wholeheartedly. For example “violence is never the answer” now anyone who’s spent a day out of the suburbs knows this statement is beyond stupid but think about how many people actually put stock into such a statement.

There are others, some less cliche, yet that still hold just as much power (if not more) over our culture, ourselves, and our ways of living. Statements and thoughts that when not tempered by reality can metastasize into all sorts of potentially dangerous nonsense. Another prime example of this is the modern world’s “moral” code (all societies/cultures/ideologies and the like have one, even if they don’t call it moral). Where certain things are valued above others.

Love is seen as the greatest good, and while love is certainly a great and amazing (and even powerful) thing when used in the right context it is not the end all be all. And when seen as the end all be all leads to dangerous paths and foolishness. Likewise thinking that things like violence, hatred, and even killing don’t have a rightful place in a culture or society is foolishness as well.

The Goodness Of Hatred

In my eyes if one does not hate then one cannot love. They are two sides of the same coin. Just as there can’t be darkness without light, there cannot be love without hate. And both are needed for the proper functioning of things (whether the world as a whole or an individual). If a man doesn’t have things that he hates then his soul isn’t functioning as a whole. If a man doesn’t have any hatred within him he is not living a complete life and is stunted in some way.

Now at first this might sound weird, after all isn’t hatred a bad thing that we’re never supposed to have? According to false ideologies yes. But in reality hatred is an essential to living a healthy life. One must have things that they hate. Now this doesn’t mean one should be defined by this hatred, but hatred is still needed. Yes, it shouldn’t be the highlight of one’s life, just like violence shouldn’t be one’s first answer to things.

But hatred and violence are both things that are needed for proper functioning of things. For example if something threatens one’s life or the wellness of one’s loved ones and violence isn’t an answer how potent can one’s love actually be? Not very, it will be a neutered idea. Likewise if one loves good things yet does not hate bad things then how true can that love actually be?

Hate What Should Be Hated

There is a time to hate and there are things that should be hated. What that time is and what those things are, are things that you have to find out on your own as I’m not going to tell you here. I have my own ideas that I express but one must find their own. There are things that should be hated, there are things that should be destroyed, and there are things that should be killed. This isn’t an incitement to violence of course, simply a statement of fact. This is how the world works.

Maybe the thing to be killed is an animal attacking a family member. Maybe the thing to be hated is one’s own weakness. Maybe the thing to be destroyed is one’s limiting beliefs. Or maybe it’s a whole lot more than that and has far reaching implications. What do I know? My point being that hatred has a critical and important role to play in one’s life. One shouldn’t be defined by one’s hatred but it should still be there and it should simmer from time to time.

Don’t lose your hatred of the things that should be hated. Don’t be lulled to sleep, don’t be lured into numbness, don’t let your light be snuffed out. Hate what should be hated. You have your gut instincts and ways of thinking for a reason. Don’t be consumed by hate and make sure you hate what should be hated and not hate out of ignorance. But still there should be hate somewhere.

Charles Sledge